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The CSU has a new policy on freedom of expression. Learn more.


Student Fee Advisory Committee

StudentCelena Tello LinaresAssociated Students2025
StudentHector LedesmaAssociated Students2025
StudentDrake NewellAssociated Students2025
StudentNate HeronAssociated Students2025
FacultyBonnie LudkaSchool of Engineering2026
AS PresidentEduardo CruzAssociated Students Ex-Officio
AS Executive DirectorKendra HigginsAssociated StudentsEx-Officio
SFS ManagerAndrew KimeStudent Financial ServicesEx-Officio


  • Three students, appointed by AS
  • One administrator, appointed by the President
  • One faculty member, appointed by AEC
  • President of Associated Students, ex-officio
  • Executive Director of Associated Students, ex-officio
  • Manager of Student Financial Services, ex-officio