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Redwood Science Project

The RSP develops and manages numerous initiatives to support educators across the continuum from preservice teachers through veteran teachers in schools and in informal settings. The Redwood Science Project is host to several programs including the California Environmental Legacy Project (CELP), Redwood Area Academic Literacy Initiative (RAALI), California Natural History Institutes (CNHI), and the North Coast Science Teaching Initiative (NCSTI). To learn more visit the RSP website.

The Mathematics and Science Teaching Initiative (MSTI) 

At present, one of the main activities of the MSTI program is to provide direct support for Humboldt students and alumni who are teachers to pursue obtaining subject matter authorizations, supplemental authorizations, or credentials in Mathematics and Science (Including Computer Science).  The following support programs are available:

MSTI graduate support package ($1,000)

For graduating senior undergraduate students who are seeking subject matter competence (either via exam or coursework) to earn a foundational or full credential in a STEM discipline:  This includes CSET and other exam fees, registration fees for required courses to enter the credential program, and application fees. 

MSTI credential candidate scholarships ($1,000)

For credential candidates enrolled in either the Science Methods or Math Methods course who have already met the subject matter competence, this scholarship supplements the $2,500 per credential candidate scholarships received through TRP.   

MSTI In-service teacher support package ($500-$1,000)

For employed K-12 teachers in Cal Poly Humboldt Universities Service Region to support earning a Subject Matter Authorization or Supplementary Authorization in mathematics or science, Supplementary Authorization in Computer Science, or an added credential in mathematics or science.

Please direct inquiries about these programs to either Jeffrey White (, Professor of Biological Sciences or Dale Oliver (, Professor of Mathematics.

Please direct inquiries about these programs to either Jeffrey White (, Professor of Biological Sciences or Dale Oliver (, Professor of Mathematics.