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Gutswurrak Student Activities Center Advisory Committee

Mission Statement

The main responsibility of the Gutswurrak Student Activities Center Advisory Committee is to act as a vehicle for the expression of opinions and desires of students with regard to the activities, recreation, space, and budget priorities for the student center. The primary action of the board is to review activities and functions taking place in the Gutswurrak Student Activities Center to assure a positive and safe environment for the students and community members. The primary duties of the Committee shall be to review, advise, prioritize, recommend, create and be informed on all Gutswurrak Student Activities Center policies. The Gutswurrak Student Activities Center Advisory Committee is to serve as a unifying force on the campus to enable various groups and individuals to work together for the enhancement of the broad education and student experience goals at Cal Poly Humboldt.

Authority of the Gutswurrak Student Activities Center Advisory Committee

The Gutswurrak Student Activities Center Advisory Committee is responsible to the Vice President of Enrollment Management and Student Success. The responsibility is channeled through the Executive Director of the Gutswurrak Student Activities Center.

Committee Charge

This committee will work collaboratively with the Executive Director of the Gutswurrak Student Activities Center regarding ways in which student involvement and engagement with the Gutswurrak Student Activities Center can be broadened and deepened through various programs activities including, yet not limited to, programming, services, and communication methods. An advocate for prioritizing students, the committee will assist the Gutswurrak Student Activities Center in strengthening the positive meaningful experience for students. This advocacy includes:

  • Advise the Executive Director of the Gutswurrak Student Activities Center on the use of all facilities, including the formulation of policy guidelines relative to the use of facilities in the student center building, Nelson Hall East & Nelson Hall West;
  • Advise the Executive Director of the Gutswurrak Student Activities Center on programs and policies for student usage;
  • Review and make recommendations to the Executive Director of the Gutswurrak Student Activities Center concerning budget prioritization;
  • Advise the Executive Director of the Gutswurrak Student Activities Center on the development of an effective system of accountability for the delivery of services to Cal Poly Humboldt students;
  • Support the Executive Director of the Gutswurrak Student Activities Center in evaluating the efficacy and quality of services and programs.

Advisory committee members are encouraged to engage in the following:

  • Suggest program ideas;
  • Advocate for activities;
  • Assist with interdepartmental collaborative efforts;
  • Inform peers of events; and
  • Encourage students to participate in leadership or employment in the Gutswurrak Student
    Activities Center.

Time Commitment

Up to three (3) meetings per semester (September-November and February-April). Meeting agendas are determined by the Co-Chairs and Executive Director of the Gutswurrak Student Activities Center.

Term Limit

Student representatives serve for two (2) years consecutively on a rotating basis.

Responsibilities of Advisory Committee:

  • The Advisory Committee shall recommend policies and regulations for the operation of the Gutswurrak Student Activities Center, the use of Gutswurrak Student Activities Center facilities and shall support Gutswurrak Student Activities Center programming efforts.
    It shall review fiscal matters of the Gutswurrak Student Activities Center and make recommendations pertaining to fiscal matters.
  • The Gutswurrak Student Activities Center Advisory Committee may recommend additional sub-committees as deemed necessary.
  • It shall advise the Executive Director of the Gutswurrak Student Activities Center about the daily operation of the building.
  • Nothing contained in these Advisory Committee guidelines shall limit in any way the ultimate and final authority and control of the President of the University over the Gutswurrak Student Activities Center.

Meetings and Structure

  • The Gutswurrak Student Activities Center Advisory Committee may meet up to three (3) times per semester during the regular academic year.
  • All meetings shall be open to students, faculty, staff and alumni.
  • The power to call special meetings shall reside with the Executive Director of the Gutswurrak Student Activities Center or the Committee co-chairs.
  • Any member missing two (2) consecutive or three (3) non-consecutive meetings during the academic year will receive a notice of dismissal from the Advisory Committee. The Co-Chairs will send the notice. Any appeal of the dismissal must be submitted to the Executive Director of the Gutswurrak Student Activities Center in written form for review to possibly reverse the dismissal. Anyone desiring an excused absence must contact the Co-Chairs 48 hours in advance or immediately post an emergency.

Membership of the Advisory Committee

Membership on the Gutswurrak Student Activities Center Advisory Committee may consist of the following members of the student body and university community:

  • One (1) undergraduate/graduate student enrolled at part-time status
  • One (1) undergraduate/graduate student appointed by Cal Poly Humboldt Associated Students (non AS Chair)
  • One (1) undergraduate/graduate student appointed by Cal Poly Humboldt Residence Hall Association (non RHA Rep to AS)
  • One (1) undergraduate/graduate student employed by the Gutswurrak Student Activities Center
  • One (1) undergraduate/graduate student representing the Cal Poly Humboldt Cultural Centers
  • One (1) undergraduate/graduate student who is a commuter (not living in Cal Poly Humboldt housing)
  • One (1)undergraduate/graduate student who is in athletics and/or recreational sports
  • One (1)undergraduate/graduate student who is a member of a club organization
  • The Executive Director of the Student Activities Center shall serve as ex-officio member and co-chair of the advisory committee.
  • One (1) student listed above shall be appointed as co-chair of the advisory committee by the Vice President of Enrollment Management.

The Gutswurrak Student Activities Center Advisory Committee shall be constituted as follows:

  • Five (5) of the students (those representing part time, commuter, Cal Poly Humboldt Cultural Centers, athletic/recreational sports and clubs students) on the Committee shall be chosen through the search, application, and selection process by the Executive Director of the Gutswurrak Student Activities Center and Cal Poly Humboldt Dean of Students.
  • Two (2) of the students on the Committee shall be appointed by the Cal Poly Humboldt Dean of Students and Executive Director of the Gutswurrak Student Activities Center based on recommendations from constituent groups, namely: Cal Poly Humboldt Residence Hall Association and Cal Poly Humboldt Associated Students. The appointees shall not serve as the Chair on the constituent groups’s Board of Directors.
  • One (1) student shall serve as a general representative of all student employees in the Gutswurrak Student Activities Center and will be appointed by the Executive Director of the Gutswurrak Student Activities Center.
  • Student members must have and maintain a minimum cumulative 2.0.
  • All appointments should be made by September 15 with all terms beginning October 1 and concluding at the appropriate September 30. In the event that positions on the Committee remain open after September 15, the Committee may continue making appointments until all positions are filled.
  • Upon mutual agreement between student members and the Committee, student members may elect to remain on the Committee for consecutive terms throughout their student career.


  • The Executive Director of the Gutswurrak Student Activities Center will have ex-officio status.

A vacancy shall be filled for the balance of the unexpired term by the body originally responsible for the selection of the member whose seat has been vacated. This procedure shall be completed within one month's time after the Committee announces said vacancy.