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Policies & Information

OLLI Registration Information

OLLI members get first priority registration for classes.        

Nonmembers pay an additional $25 per class, and may be dropped from a course if space is limited.

Fees must be paid in full for enrollment to be processed. Incomplete or illegible registration forms cause delay. 

Partial scholarships toward OLLI classes may be available to OLLI members with financial need. See the information about OLLI scholarships.

After You Enroll

Congratulations, and welcome to OLLI at Humboldt! Whether you are a new or returning member of OLLI, we are happy to have you as part of the OLLI at Humboldt community. Being an OLLI member will provide you with many opportunities to learn, discover, and travel. You also now have access to activities and resources on the Cal Poly Humboldt campus and beyond.

After you join as a member or enroll in a class, you may receive one or more emails that are automatically generated by our customer management system or from Transact Payments, Cal Poly Humboldt's payment center. The emails are designed to notify you that we have received something from you, and may include a receipt for a payment you made. Once the payment has been processed, you will be enrolled in the course, if space allows or added to a waiting list (we will notify you if this is the case). This is a manual process and each form is handled by one of our registration staff. Incomplete or illegible registration forms may cause delay.

Once you have been enrolled, you will receive another email notification which will include your Cal Poly Humboldt ID number, please reference this number when corresponding with the OLLI office or when registering for classes. The email will also include additional information about your membership or your class.

Please note that you will receive a separate email for each class in which you are enrolled. These email notifications contain a release of liability form that you must sign to participate in an OLLI class, important information about your class, or information from your instructor. Please read all of the information provided in the email, in case you have questions, or need to prepare in advance of your class. 

Finally, we will send you a courtesy reminder email two or three days before your class begins.

If the class gets canceled for any reason, we will call you and send you an email notification. If you do not use email, we will send you a packet of information and a course evaluation form to you at the address you provide. Please be sure to let us know if your email address or mailing address has changed.

We welcome your suggestions for improvement or for ideas you have for classes. Please share about your experience using one of the course evaluation forms or by calling the OLLI office (707-826-5880) or e-mailing us. We value your opinion. 


OLLI Drop & Refund Policy

Since OLLI at Humboldt is a self-supporting program, enrollments in courses must be sufficient to pay salaries and other expenses. The following refund procedures have been adopted according to the formula for refunds established in Title V of the California Administrative Code. A student who, for any reason, finds it impossible to complete the course for which s/he is registered must inform the College of Extended Education & Global Engagement by completing and submitting the proper forms.

For refund purposes, the drop will be effective as of the date that it is received at the College of Extended Education & Global Engagement. Refunds may take up to 6 weeks to receive.

Non-attendance or stopping payment on a check or payment voucher does not constitute an official drop, nor does only notification to the instructor. Drops do not necessarily entitle the student to a refund of fees paid, or the cancelation of fees still due. Refunds or cancelations of fees still due will be computed in accordance with the terms listed below. 

If a field trip class is dropped after the three-business-day registration deadline, no refund can be offered.

If a class cancels, all fees are returned.

OLLI Refund Schedule
COURSE LENGTHDate DroppedRefund Amount
5 meetings or morePrior to the first sessionTotal fee
On or after the first date65% of fees collected
After 25% of course time elapsedNo refund
4 meetings or lessPrior to the first sessionTotal fee
On or after the first dateNo refund


Student Code of Conduct

OLLI members are considered students of Cal Poly Humboldt and are responsible to abide by the Student Code of Conduct.


Animals on Campus Policy for students, campus residents and visitors


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