Registration Status
Current offering (Registration open)
Climate Change on the California Coast
Cost: $75
- Sat., April 12 & 19, 10-11:20 a.m.
Time: 10:00 AM
Location: In person: Trinidad
With Paul Bourdeau, Marine Biologist:
What is climate change, and why should we be concerned about it? Although rapid global climate change is not unusual, the current warming is unprecedented, because it is primarily caused by humans. We will review scientific evidence on climate change, including what it is, what causes it, and its effects on global climate. Then we’ll focus on how it will influence the ocean, marine life, and ocean-related activities on the California coast, and the local research being done.
Register by April 9.
Class #: 24049

Paul Bourdeau
Paul Bourdeau is a marine biologist, and was born and raised in southeastern Massachusetts, just outside of Boston. He got his undergraduate and master's degrees in biology and marine biology, respectively, at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth and a PhD in Ecology and Evolution at Stony Brook University. After a four-year post-doc in the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife at Michigan State University, he began teaching at Humboldt in 2014.