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The CSU has a new policy on freedom of expression. Learn more.


Registration Status

Current offering (Registration open)

Civil Discourse: How to Talk So People Will Listen & Listen So People Will Talk

Cost: $45


  • Tues./Thurs., April 8 & 10, 10-11:20 a.m.

Time: 10:00 AM

Location: In person: Arcata

With Sharon Ferrett, Emeritus Dean:

This course is designed to foster civil discourse, help you learn to practice civility and kindness, and see the dignity in every person. We will discuss how to build community and address difficult conversations with difficult people.

We will explore ways to build a sense of belonging and create a safe place for people to share different points of views.

If you're frustrated with the yelling and division between people, this class is for you. Come share your ideas and learn new strategies. 

Register by April 3.

Class #: 24104

Image of Sharon Ferrett

Sharon Ferrett

Sharon K. Ferrett, PhD, has over 35 years in higher education as a college and university dean, director and professor. She is also a management consultant and a small business owner who brings a real-world perspective to her presentations and books: Peak Performance, Positive Attitudes at Work, Strategies: College and Career Success, and Getting and Keeping the Job You Want.