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Registration Status

Current offering (Registration open)

The History & Future of the Kinetic Sculpture Race, aka the Kinetic Grand Championship

Cost: $45


  • Wed., April 30, 10-11:50 a.m.

Time: 10:00 AM

Location: In person: Arcata

With Bob Doran, Writer & Local Historian, & Olivia Gambino, Volunteer & Rutabaga Queen:

Kinetic Madness has been taking over Humboldt County on Memorial Day weekend since 1969, when it was founded by the fun loving artist, Hobart Brown.

We will examine the story of his Glorious Race and examine how and why it is now officially known as the Kinetic Grand Championship, with personal stories and factoids attempting to explain the lure of Kinetic Madness. Why? According to Hobart, "Adults are obligated to have fun so that children will want to grow older." 

Register by April 25.

Class #: 24086

Image of Bob Doran

Bob Doran

Bob Doran has lived in Humboldt County since 1969 and has always been interested in local history. He attended Humboldt State College (and then University), graduated, and then found work as a chef, then as a writer, editor, and photographer for local publications. He currently lives in Arcata with his wife, and they run an AirBNB near the University. He loves to tell stories about his neighborhood.