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Registration Status

Current offering (Registration open)

Non-Western Art in the Western Art Museum

Cost: $40


  • Thurs., March 27, 2-4 p.m.

Time: 2:00 PM

Location: Online: Zoom

With Julie Alderson, Art Historian:

We will examine the presentation of non-Western art in North American and European museums. We will look at the collection and display history of such objects, as well as current efforts to rethink how they are exhibited and understood today. 

Register by March 24.

Class #: 24041

Image of Julie Alderson

Julie Alderson

Julia Alderson's specialization is in the area of American and European Art, 1860 to the present. Her research interests include topics in sculpture, public art, and Land Art, as well as museum methodology and theory. She is current faculty in the Cal Poly Humboldt Dept. of Art + Film.