OLLI at Humboldt Sponsorship Opportunities
Everyone benefits from lifelong learning
Local businesses have the opportunity to collaborate with OLLI through class, series, and event sponsorships. Since 2005, OLLI at Humboldt has created opportunities for academic engagement, civic involvement, personal growth and fun. By offering a myriad of classes and experiences for a vibrant community of learners aged 50 and better, OLLI delivers learning for a lifetime. Support OLLI — learning should never end.
Contact the OLLI staff for more information: 707-826-5880
Sponsor a Class or Brown Bag Lunch Presentation
When your business sponsors an OLLI Class everyone benefits. OLLI is a non-profit organization, so your sponsorship allows it to keep the cost of classes affordable for everyone in the community, helps provide scholarships for those who otherwise could not attend, and gives your business recognition as a leader in lifelong learning.
Class sponsorship options:
- Individual class sponsorship: $100
- Class with a field trip: $200
- Classes that meet three or more times: $500
- Brown Bag Lunch Presentations, series of three: $500
- Summer Camp: $500
What you’ll get when you sponsor a class:
- Recognition in OLLI catalog
- Name and logo on print advertising
- Logo and name on OLLI website with link to your business website
- Announcement thanking you in all classes you sponsor
Open House & Event Sponsor
Add Summer Open House, free Brown Bag Lunch Online Monday Presentations, free Let's Connect Friday online conversations, and classes nearly every day through most of the year.