
Overview of Eel River Restoration & Conservation Plan
Brown Bag Lunch Online Presentation with Darren Mierau, North Coast Director of California Trout: Considerable attention is being given to the Eel River, given the upcoming decommissioning of the Potter Valley Project on the upper Eel River by the Pacific Gas and Electric company. The decommissioning of the Potter Valley Project will restore salmon, steelhead, and lamprey access to over 300 miles of river that has been blocked by dams for the last 100 years. However, removing these dams will not restore fish populations in the Eel River basin on its own; much more restoration and conservation work will be required. Accordingly, California Trout (funded by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife) has recently completed Phase 1 of the Eel River Restoration and Conservation Plan, which intends to identify and implement restoration and conservation actions throughout the 3,500 square mile watershed to restore fish populations in concert with the Potter Valley Project decommissioning. Phase 2 efforts (program establishment, project identification and prioritization) is expected to start in early 2025. This presentation will provide an overview of Phase 1 recommendations, and expectations for Phase 2 efforts.
The presentation will begin promptly at noon.
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