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Fast Facts Fall 2023

Cal Poly Humboldt Statistical Profile

AffiliationPart of 23-campus California State University system
PresidentTom Jackson
Where we are located                     Located in Arcata, 270 miles north of San Francisco and 95 miles south of the Oregon border, on 144 acres of land, it is nestled in a spectacular setting of redwood forests, rushing rivers, ocean beaches, and mountain ranges.
Average temperature and rainfallSummer temperatures average 63 degrees in Arcata and 92 degrees just 40 miles inland in Willow Creek. Year round temperature averages 57 degrees.Overall, Humboldt County receives an average of 37.5 inches of rain per year.
AcademicsMany study options are available to Humboldt students. There are 58 baccalaureate degree majors with 86 options/concentrations. There are also 76 minors, 14 graduate programs, 4 credential programs including several single subject credentials, and several certificates of study.
Facilities- 144 acres main campus
- Plus an additional 591 acres which Humboldt owns, leases or has use agreements to (marine lab, observatory, natural history museum, saltwater marsh, freshwater marsh, small lakes and ponds, forest lands, sand dune preserve, research vessel, and the Wildlife Care Facility).
- 963,127 square feet in 90 buildings
Carnegie Classification    Public Master's Colleges and Universities (medium programs)

Fall 2023 Enrollment

 Fall 2023Change
Student Headcount5976+ 2.0%
Full-Time Equivalent Students5205+ 3.7%
First Time Undergraduates955- 0.4%
Transfer Students765- 1.0%
Continuing Undergraduates3517+ 2.8%
Masters Enrollment385+ 1.5%
Credential Enrollment96- 9.4%

Fall 2023 Enrollment by Student Class


Student ClassFemaleMaleTotal% Full-Time
Total Undergraduates30102409541988.6%
2nd Bachelors35336875.0%
Other Post-Baccalaureate62825.0%
Total Post Baccalaureate34021755772.7%

Fall 2023 Student Ethnicity

American Indian5624801.3%
Pacific Islander109190.3%
Two or more2491834327.2%
U.S. Nonresident3020500.8%
Totals 335026265976100.0%

Fall 2023 Average Unit Loads

 FemaleMaleOverall Average
Undergraduate - Full Time (Financial Aid)14.514.514.5
Undergraduate - Part Time (Financial Aid)
Masters - Full Time (Financial Aid)
Masters - Part Time (Financial Aid)
Overall Average13.513.613.5

Fall 2023 Geographic Origin of Current Students (based on prior institution)

RegionUndergraduatePost BaccalaureateTotalsPercentage
Northern CA7202974912.5%
SF Bay Area8122283414.0%
Sacramento2807287  4.8%
Coast29930329  5.5%
Central CA3897396  6.6%
Los Angeles134835138323.1%
San Diego37515390  6.5%
WUE States*31743360  6.0%
Other States15455209  3.5%
Foreign181432  0.5%
Totals 54195575976100%

* WUE is a state exchange program with participants from 14 western states allowing students from these states to attend participating public colleges or universities in other states at a significantly reduced cost.

Fall 2023 Students Living in Campus Housing

All Students in Campus Housing/Percent of Total Students179530.0%
New Undergraduates in Campus Housing/Percent of New Undergraduates112865.6%



Fall 2023 New Undergraduate Profile



First Time Undergraduates

New Transfer Undergraduates

American Indian4370.7%2350.7%
Pacific Islander3140.4%2020.3%
Two or more4039798.3%3233658.5%
U.S. Nonresident0440.4%2110.4%
Totals 519436955100.0%418347765100%

Other Characteristics 


First Time Undergraduates

New Transfer Undergraduates

First Generation39.5%27.8%34.1%49.8%42.7%46.5%
Low Income25.6%25.0%25.3%44.0%37.5%41.0%
Average Unit Load15.014.914.914.214.314.2
In Campus Housing90.8%89.4%90.2%32.5%37.8%34.9%



First Time Undergraduates

New Transfer Undergraduates

Northern California14.6%14.9%14.8%16.0%15.9%15.9%
San Francisco Bay Area15.2%21.8%18.2%10.3%10.7%10.5%
Central California8.7%3.9%6.5%5.3%6.9%6.0%
Los Angeles27.6%25.2%26.5%19.9%19.3%19.6%
San Diego6.9%7.8%7.3%5.7%5.5%5.6%
WUE State6.6%6.4%6.5%6.9%6.1%6.5%
Other State1.7%1.4%1.6%5.5%4.6%5.1%

College of Major


First Time Undergraduates

New Transfer Undergraduates

College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences21.4%17.0%19.4%22.7%21.9%22.4%
College of Natural Resources & Sciences48.2%62.6%54.8%39.0%54.2%45.9%
College of Professional Studies23.3%9.4%17.0%37.8%22.8%31.0%



Average Annual College Summaries for Past 5 years

Average Annual Headcount

Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences18731718156213471321
Natural Resources & Sciences29112691245923312468
Professional Studies23432024189117151618
General Studies280233142130203


Full-Time Equivalent Students (FTES)

Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences2610.72322.92016.61810.61861.7
Natural Resources & Sciences2554.82330.72060.61881.71927.5
Professional Studies1881.01696.51516.71352.51282.1
General Studies8.
University Wide7054.76357.25599.25049.25077.0


Full-Time Equivalent Faculty (FTEF)

Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences131.6128.0116.8107.8118.7
Natural Resources & Sciences136.1129.5127.3116.3122.8
Professional Studies82.182.779.275.076.1
General Studies.
University Wide350.4340.3323.3299.2317.8

Student Faculty Ratio (SFR)

Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences19.818.217.316.815.7
Natural Resources & Sciences18.818.
Professional Studies22.920.519.218.16.8
University Wide20.218.717.316.916.0

FTEF is calculated using the CSU Chancellor's Office methodology from the CDPS Course Section Report and then rolled up to the College offering the class. This represents the FTEF used to teach courses in each College and may not match the FAD report which summarizes FTEF by department of appointment. Therefore, the Student /Faculty Ratios indicate the actual instructional experience in each College.  (IE source:dm_instrload)

The historical data is portrayed according to the current college configuration of departments.

Fall 2023 Faculty Data


Tenure and Lecturer

Tenured/Tenure Track118117235
Lecturer (Temporary)176120296
University Totals294237531

Position Type

Associate Professor402969
Assistant Professor292655
Lecturer (Temporary)176120296
University Totals294237531

Faculty Ethnicity                                                                                                                           

 Tenured/Tenure Track  Lecturer
American Indian/Alaska Native6054
Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander0000
Two or More2253
University Sub-Totals118117177119
University Totals235296


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