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Kimberly White

Associate Professor of Chemistry

Kimberly N. White’s research involves the study of biologically active compounds from nature. This research involves the collection of biological resources, compound extraction, purification, and characterization via a host of analytical chemistry techniques. Her work is driven by the pursuit of novel therapeutics and the application of known natural products in new ways. Dr. White has spent years studying the ability of different specimens of the same species to produce vastly different chemical profiles. She is fascinated by the chemical biodiversity, abundance, concentrations, biochemical roles, and cultivation effects on the more than 400 distinct chemical compounds that can be isolated from the Cannabis genus. Dr. White is also especially interested in preparing undergraduate students to work as analytical chemists in the rapidly growing marijuana industry.


Research Focus

Areas of Expertise

  • Natural products isolation, purification, and characterization.

Research Categories

  • Environmental Science
  1. White, K. N.; Tenney, K.; Crews, P. The bengamides – a mini-review of natural sources, analogues, biological properties, biosynthetic origins, and future prospects. J. Nat. Prod. 2017, 80, 740-755.
  2. Mejia, E.; Loveridge, S.; Stepan, G.; Tsai, A.; Jones, G.; Barnes, T.; White, K.; Draskovic, M.; Tenney, K.; Tsiang, M.; Geleziunas, R.; Cihlar, T.; Pagratis, N.; Tian, Y.; Yu, H.; Crews, P. A Study of Marine Natural Products Including Resorcylic Acid Lactones from Humicola fuscoatra that Reactivate Latent HIV-1 Expression in an in vitro Model of Central Memory CD4+ T Cells. J. Nat. Prod. 2014, 77, 618-624.
  3. Johnson, T.A.; Sohn, J.; Vaske, Y.M.;White, K. N.;Cohen, T.L.; Vervoort, H.C.; Tenney, K.; Valeriote, F.A.; Bjeldanes, L.F.; Crews, P. Myxobacteria versus sponge-derived alkaloids: The bengamide family identified as potent immunemodulating agents by scrutiny of LC-MS/ELSD libraries. Bioorg. & Med. Chemistry 2012, 20, 4348-4355.
  4. Offenbacher, A.; White, K. N.; Sen, I.; Oliver, A. G.; Konopelski, J. P.; Barry, B. A.; Einarsdóttir, Ó. A Spectroscopic Investigation of a Tridentate Cu-Complex Mimicking the Tyrosine-Histidine Cross-link of Cytochrome c Oxidase. J. Phys. Chem. B 2009, 113, 7407-7417.
  5. Sashidhara, K.N.; White, K. N.; Crews, P. A Selective Account of Effective Paradigms & Significant Outcomes in the Discovery of Inspirational Marine Natural Products. J. Nat. Prod. 2009, 72, 588-603.
  6. Calcul, L.; Chow, R.; Oliver, A. G.; Tenney, K.; White, K. N.; Wood, A. W.; Fiorilla, C.; Crews, P. An NMR Strategy for Unraveling Structures of Bioactive Marine-Derived Oxy-Polyhalogenated Diphenyl Ethers. In Press. J. Nat. Prod., 2009, 72, 443-449.
  7. White, K. N.; Amagata, T.; Oliver, A.G.; Tenney, K.; Wenzel, P. J.; Crews, P. Structure Revision of Spiroleucettadine, a Sponge Alkaloid with a Bicyclic Core Meager in H-Atoms. J. Org. Chem. 2008, 73, 8719-8722.
  8. Johnson, T.A.; Tenney, K.; Cichewicz, R.H.; Morinaka, B.I.; White, K. N.; Amagata, T.; Subramanian, B.; Media, J.; Mooberry, S.L.; Valeriote, F.A.; Crews, P. The Sponge-Derived Fijianolide Polyketide Class: Further Evaluation of Their Structural and Cytotoxicity Properties. J. Med. Chem. 2007, 50, 3795-3803.
  9. White, K.N.; Sen, I.; Szundi, I.; Landaverrry, Y.R.; Konopelski, J.P.; Einarsdóttir., Ó. Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Cross-Linked Histidine-Phenol Cu(II) Complexes as Models for the Active Site of Cytochrome c Oxidase. Chemical Comm. 2007, 31, 3252-3254.
  10. Pina, I. C.; White, K. N.; Cabrera, G.; Rivero, E.; Crews, P. Bromopyrrole Carboxamide Biosynthetic Products from the Caribbean Sponge Agelas dispar. J. Nat. Prod. 2007, 70, 613-617.
  11. Gassner, N. C.; Tamble, C. M.; Bock, J. E.; Cotton, N.; White, K. N.; Tenney, K.; St.Onge, R. P.; Proctor, M. J.; Giaever, G.; Nislow, C.; Davis, R. W.; Crews, P.; Holman, T. R.; Lokey, R. S. Accelerating the Discovery of Biologically Active Small Molecules Using a High-Throughput Yeast Halo Assay. J. Nat. Prod. 2007, 70, 383-390.
  12. Landaverry, Y. R.; White, K. N.; Olmstead, M.M.; Einarsdóttir, Ó.; Konopelski, J.P.; Cytochrome c Oxidase Active Site Mimics: New Ligands for Copper and an Unexpected Oxidative C-C Bond Formation. Heterocycles 2006, 70,147-152.
  13. White, K. N.; Konopelski, J. P., Facile Synthesis of Highly Functionalized NMethyl Amino Acid Esters Without Side-Chain Protection. Org. Lett. 2005, 7, 4111-4112.