Graduation Pledge

The Graduation Pledge of Social and Environmental Responsibility is a campus tradition that started at Humboldt in 1987 and has since spread to campuses around the world. It began through the efforts of the Student Citizens for Social Responsibility, a campus club with student and community members. The student's passion about the health and society of our world, and concern for the current status quo, inspired the movement for the Graduation Pledge campaign. Their hard work soon led to student, faculty and community support and the creation of one of Humboldt's most honored traditions.
The Grad Pledge is a personal vow to consider the social and environmental consequences of the decisions that we make after students acquire their degree at Cal Poly Humboldt and move into their career.
“I pledge to explore and take into account the social and environmental consequences of any job I consider and will try to improve these aspects of any organizations for which I work.”
The Graduation Pledge is symbolized by a green satin ribbon. These ribbons are available to graduates on the day of commencement. Graduation Pledge staff hands out pins to graduates who wish to take the pledge before graduates enter their commencement ceremony.
Graduating students are encouraged to take the pledge, if they are so moved.
Recently Pledged
Richard Toledo
Tony Rodriguez
Trevor McGuar
Natnael Kidane
Steven Childs
Shawn Fletcher
Emily Martin
Micah Fox
Crystal Rose McKinney
Valerie Higdon
Angelina Acosta
Mackenzie Vrablick
Caitlin Kane
Iris Rose
Dr BISWAJIT MAITY, MD, PHD, International Gold Medalist
Dr BISWAJIT MAITY MAITY, MD, PHD, International Gold Medalist
Dr BISWAJIT MAITY, MD PHD MAITY, MD, PHD, International Gold Medalist
Nathaniel Evans
Lily Cohen
Barbara Stockham
Jymanii Williams
Kellie Phillips
Miranda Borges
Virgil Lesaca
Kyle Yoshizuka
Zeen Vincent
Robbyn Sim
Mae Dinsmore
Jackson Keechler
Vanja Venezia
Juan Campos
Sam Diel
Ruby Bailey
Laura Almeida
Bridget Bartlow
Betsy Brakley
Lex Hanneman
Krystol Carlson
Samm Sanchez
Alexander Hart
Elizabeth Nakagawa
Samantha Usrey
Sarah Feyers
Jordyn Story
Lisa Borrallo
Sara Thornton
Ardell Busby
Starlyn Hirano
Alicia Bieniek
Jordan Solorio-Paz
Odalis Avalos
Vanessa Sanchez
Elizabeth Wainwright-Rice
selena dutton
Melanie Zhao
Anna Cruz
Kameron Lopez
Nataki Lester
Kenton Koos
Dakota Cox
Mikayla Kia
William Richards
Savannah Baez
Sheila Richards
Sydney Verga
Ashley Cable
Zachary Ruybal
Jennifer Nauert
Ash Mortensen
Katalina Prince
Keynan Quigley
Jaime Munoz
Jaime Munoz
Cindy Xiong
Melinda Bon
Ashley Taylor
Sarah Maki
Khayree Davis
Farzad Forouhar
Elizabeth Owens
Rosa Granados
Karen Coronado-Naupari
Carole Papy
Nikolaos Andrews
Jay Revolinsky
Lilli LeVan
Mya Mya
Lupita Rivera
Riley Allen
RaeDawn Bohn
Liliya Kalachik
Alexander Schechter
Anna Beissert
Mikael Ortega
Michelle Andrews
Kameko Davis
Avery Lopes
Keeley Tuggle
Kiya Guire
Merianne Poblete
Courtnie LaChaine
Merianne Poblete
Jessica Tizon
Allie Follett
Naomi Alcaraz
Angelina Stetler
María Avila Overton
Sean Micklos
Neri Rodarte
Tania Godinez
Clayton Bailey
Camille Asbill
Alex Hartung
Katherine Polik
Arabella Sterwerf
David Chou
Christian Avila
Marléne Mort Berg
Lauren Werner
Philip Nugen
Tierra Abeyta
Max Bushman
Jeremy Evans
Jonah Simmons
Ardi Arjomand
Marguerite Williams
Valeria Pena Palomino
Katelynn Webb
Suzanne Straube
Nicholas Severin
Maren Pedersen
Dillon Martin
Joshua Lamason
Calie Uribe
Eon Alexis Agasang
Valeria Pena Palomino
Megan Hopkins
Eden Lolley
Ashley Shannon
Lisa Huynh
John Monita
Anja Van Dyke
Taylor Bacon
Kandyce Rose
Kennedy George
Suzanne Melendez
Hannah Herriott
Andrew Nisenberg
Q Medina
Lin Glover
Colin Waichler
Elijah Wells
Taryan Parvis
Gage Seber
Starr Dunbar
Perla Sepulveda
María Jiménez
Kaelani Jones
Madalynn Barnes
Madeline Henderson
Ashley Kiefer
Jt Abbott
Savannah Sonia
Samantha Duston
Daniel Joseph Cea
Haylee Duey
K.C. Perry
Janette Morrow
Alexandria VandenBos
Linda Donis
Natalie Perkins
Remberto Campos
Lily Junker-Gregson
Sara Koopman
Eli Allen
Shane Koskinen
Edwin Rosales-Vijil
Canyon Smith
Delaney Duarte
Andrew Cairns
Ianna Rodriguez
Jennifer Felix
Yarexi Gutierrez
Bradley White
Ana Ramirez-Caballero
Britany Merida
Gabriela Gomez
Delaney Duarte
Michael Hamilton
Starr Dunbar
Destiny Mancilla
Guadalupe Calderon
Katelynn Couto
Sean Cox
Tayler Reedy
Montel Floyd
Garrett Winkler
Nicholas Brandi
Sierra Longman
Mikayla Moore-Bastide
Savannah Aiello
Russell Wright
Krystal Sandoval
Johanna Ramirez
Olivia Maldonado
Amanda Sharp
Danielle Dornan
Mckinzi Segura
Kylie Brown
Jacel Davis
Amy Deuink
Sheala Dunlap
Woody Jim Fuzzell
Kellyanna Richardson
Rorianna Gutierrez
Tonatzin Villa
Lynette Leon
Mckinzi Segura
Megan Ross
Dillon Walvatne
Pana Xiong
Margaret Rainey
Woody Jim Fuzzell
Promise Williams
Peggy Orcutt
Sarah Dusky
Michelle May
Megan Davis
Kathryn Quintrell
Cassidy Mullennix
Tyler Brown
Alyssa Abbott
brooks castaneda
Jennifer Bishop
Melissa MARTIN
Nicholas McCallum
Stephanie Olivarez
Shira Kershner
Ashley Lahti
Rachel Denoncourt
Viviana Sanchez
Mel Resendez
Guadalupe Vega
Kathleen Madrid
Johanna Rial
kaelyn whitten
Karina Vega
Jackeline Pedroza
Hayley Weatherill
Justin Delgado
Valeria Pena Palomino
Rachel Riojas
Amanda McDonald
kaelyn whitten
Cheryl Davila
Rebecca Miller
Martin F Moreno
Cosette McCave
Jessica Flores-Arellanes
Jacob Gellatly
Erica Walton
Joshua Miller
Aracely Arreguin
Logan Myers
Sydonie Swanson
Krysteanna Cabanas
Haley Rosas Nunez
Krysteanna Cabanas
Susan Goodfield
Esmeralda Ruiz Torres
Michelle Rivera
Danielle Fowles
Sarah Hardy
Mandy Hackney
Raven McAdams
Corabelle Esmailian
Jonathan Gaydos
Cherokee Roth
Matthew Brown
Sandra Norman
Nina Yee
Jaclyn Taylor
Josie Blubaugh
Yavanna Reynolds
Tom Roberts
Jerry Swider
Jourden Lamar
Flow Lemus
Kiley Hohenfeld
Jennifer Mosburg
Emily Lopez
Rachel Ostrander
Jaclyn Bissonette
Samantha Hayman
Hailey Miller
Maryjane Kinsey
Erin Kate Ewart
Kelly Wheelock
Zoe Kelman
Megan Krapf
Stephanie Lane
Megan King