
eliot.baker@humboldt.eduEliot Baker
Year Graduated: 2009
Eliot Baker
- Year Graduated: 2009
Mathematics Education, Film Minor
Why did you take the pledge as an Humboldt student?
We all have a responsibility to make our communities as inclusive and sustainable as possible.
What is your profession?
I am a collegiate recreation professional.
I plan to work in my field as a long-term career. After retirement, I would love to pursue my dream to work within the community as a death midwife and advocate/educate for/about home funerals, green burials, meaningful rituals around death, and sustainable methods of disposition.
How have you applied the values of the Graduation Pledge into your career and life?
I am conscious of my impact on the environment and try to keep my footprint as invisible as possible. I also work to continually educate myself and those I mentor about social justice, how to be an ally, and community engagement and responsibility.
How do you feel about the pledge in today’s world?
It formalizes an intention and commitment that is absolutely necessary for the long-term health and wellness of our planet and its inhabitants.
What is something you miss about Humboldt or your time as a student?
I don’t have to miss Humboldt because I am here every work day! One thing I do miss as a student is the feeling of being able to explore different ideas and academic disciplines. Once you’re in a career, it’s more challenging to find opportunities to learn/focus outside of your direct field and responsibilities.
Did you use any specific resources to find your current job?
I maintained a connection to the department I work in after graduation because I worked here as a student and felt invested. When the position was announced, I was made aware by the Director.
Do you have any advice for future Graduate Pledgers?
Use the pledge as an opportunity to formally dedicate yourself to this work. It is sometimes difficult to pull off depending on your field and your financial realities, but things can be done anywhere to make improvements and educate others. Also, think big. The pledge is very open-ended and encapsulates a lot of ideas.
Comments or anything else you would like to say about the Graduation Pledge?
I’m glad I took it and I’m committed to the values it represents.