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The CSU has a new policy on freedom of expression. Learn more.


Been There, Done That—Tips From Parents

Feeling a bit anxious about your student's move to Arcata? Here are some tips from parents who know the trek up Highway 101 well.

  • Come for Homecoming and Family Weekend in October. This will give you the opportunity to experience Humboldt, meet the friends your student has made and checkout their favorite local spots. Not to mention all of the great activities the weekend will bring.
  • Sit down with your student and a calendar and plan out what vacations and holidays they are coming home for. The sooner you book your travel arrangements, the cheaper they will be.
  • Pack lightly. Nearly everything you need can be ordered or sent directly to Arcata so don't over pack your car for the trip up. There are many stores that carry bedding, small appliances, and larger items that will make your move much more manageable. You can purchase many items at stores online and pick them up at the store in Arcata, Eureka, or McKinleyville. (Target, Costco, Walmart, Ace Hardware, etc.)
  • Investing in a feather bed or an extra thick mattress pad might be a good idea, also available at local stores.
  • Put your student's name and room number on ALL of boxes to be taken to the room.
  • Humboldt Crud kit. Haven't heard of it yet? It's best to just be prepared. Make sure your student has a plastic bag or small box with aspirin, cough drops, cold medicine, thermometer, bandages, and other products that may come in handy in times of need or at least until your student can get to the Health Center.
  • Pick up a local Yellow Pages book so you can help your student find exactly what they need when they need it.
  • "C" points can be reloaded online with a credit card
  • Flex dollars are split in order to ensure your student has funds to eat during the second semester. If they use up their flex dollars, additional plans can be purchased.
  • Is your student worried they won't get the classes they need to register? They shouldn't panic, as a group of classes are held for each orientation session. If there is a problem, an email from the student to the professor may generate a magic number that will allow them to add a class.
  • Attend Orientation with your student if you can. These sessions provide valuable information that you won't think you need now, but later will come in handy.
  • Humboldt has a webpage for everything so log on and explore! Just start at using the Quick Links index at the top of the page.
  • At the "J" there is a rideshare board near the mail room. It's a big board with destinations listed on big pockets. If your student needs a ride, have them check the board. They just leave their information on a card to make contact before they travel.
  • Check out the The Campus Bookstore for any discounts they may be offering students for this cellular service, laptops, and programs.
  • Have an auto mechanic picked out before there is a problem. To find a reliable auto mechanic, eatery, hair salon, dentist, or whatever ask the locals. You won't be disappointed
  • Take advantage of local businesses from spas to massage schools to local restaurants and theaters. There is plenty to do here; you just have to know where to look. The local Farmer's Market runs from April to November on the Arcata Plaza and is a great place to check out and sample local fare and art.
  • Enjoy this time! Your student is on their way to getting their degree; you set them up to succeed now sit back and wait for the phone to ring.