COmmunity REsponsive Computational Thinking with LatinX Youth
COmmunity REsponsive Computational Thinking with LatinX Youth (CORECTLY) iteratively designs, develops and tests a new curriculum to engage multilingual learners, communities, and PromotoraX educators.
Development of the new curriculum is framed by the skills and dispositions associated with computational thinking as one of the eight Next Generation of Science Standards (NGSS) Science and Engineering Practices and as defined by the International Society for Technology in Education and the Computer Science Teachers Association. The project team works in partnership with community organizations and local schools to develop a community-responsive model for teaching and learning computational thinking to rural bilingual LatinX students through a series of after-school, informal, bilingual workshops.
Before filling out your application please read the following and take note of:
- Space is limited to 10 participants.
- Students from all majors can apply- no prior science experience is required.
Priority will be given but not limited to students who are:
(1) preparing for credential programs,
(2) who are interested in issues of social justice and education,
(3) bi/ multilingual students,
(4) who agree to the schedule - working with children or youth and attending a conference.
Fall session will take place on 9/30-12/6 and participants will be completing 40 hours of work (in order to get their stipend).
Application will be open until all positions fill. You will be receive notification about session information before the start date.
Application deadline is 9/18. You will be notified by 9/23 about your acceptance.
We look forward to meeting you soon!

Fall 2022 Application Process:
- Fill out google form application using your HSU login.
- Get TB test, background check/fingerprints
- Fill out volunteer form and agreement