
Marisol Ruiz
Promotorx Coordinator
Marisol Ruiz earned her Ph. D. in Language Literacy and Culture, emphasis in Educational Thought and Cultural Studies from the University of New Mexico. Dr. Ruiz specializes in Critical Bilingual/TESOL Education, which includes language education, biliteracy, multiliteracy, multicultural education, teacher education, critical pedagogy, participatory action research, teacher action research, and youth social movements. Dr. Ruiz’s research focus is on Critical Social Justice Bilingual / TESOL Pedagogies that lead to youth organizing, self- determination, empowerment, and concientizacion.
Teaches EDUC 101
Ruiz, M., Lara, D., & Greene, D. (2018). Mirrored Repressions: Students and inmates in a colonial landscape. Critical Education, 9(7), 1-23. Retrieved from, Ruiz, M., et al. (2011). La Batalla Continua: Latina(o)
Ruiz, M., et al. (2011). La Batalla Continua: Latina(o) Educators democratizing educational practices. Critical Education.Volume 2(12), 1-19. Retrieved from
Ruiz, M. (2013). Engaging Kindergarteners in Critical Literacy: Using philosophical concepts in Bilingual dialogue. New Mexico Journal of Reading, 33(3), 24–30., Torres, M. N. and Ruiz M. (2012) Succeeding with Latino students through an empowering pedago
Montelongo, J., Hernandez, A., and Ruiz, M. (2013). The New Mexico book awards and a cognate database. New Mexico Journal of Reading, 33(3), 39–48.