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Zedekiah Minkin

Research Associate

Zedekiah is an archaeological field technician at the Cultural Resource Facility. He was born and raised in Eureka and has family across the East Coast, especially in New York and Maryland. Zedekiah briefly attended both Southern Oregon University in Ashland and Humboldt State University before transferring to UC Santa Cruz, where he graduated in 2020 with a B.A. in Anthropology and a minor in Language Studies. Throughout his life, the history of the world’s languages, arts, and cultures has always captivated and astounded him. His academic interests lie between and throughout zooarchaeology, osteology, hominin evolution, the origins of complex societies, and linguistics. Zedekiah began working at CRF in April 2022 and has since been involved in archaeological surveys across northern California, southern Oregon, and eastern Nevada.