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Portrait of Jeanette Cooper

  • BSS 154B

Jeanette Cooper, Ph.D., RPA

Co-Director & PI

Dr. Cooper is an alumnus of Humboldt State University (now Cal Poly Humboldt) where she studied History, Anthropology, Art History, and three foreign languages.  She has over 25 years of experience in the field of archaeology, both as an academic and a Cultural Resource Manager.  The geographical scope of Dr. Cooper’s experience ranges from California, to the UK, to the Mediterranean Sea.  Her particular research interests and expertise include the Northwest Coast Regions of the United States, and the Mediterranean Island of Sicily.

Dr. Cooper has surveyed extensively in California continuously since the 1990’s.  Excavation experience has been rooted in the state of California, the Island of Sicily, Northwest England, and in Central Anatolia. She has been trained as a Ceramicist, specializing in Indigenous Sicilian, Greek Colonial, and Greek manufacturing and stylistics. Dr. Cooper has engaged in research consistently since the mid 1990’s.  Research topics have included Greek Colonialism, Mediterranean Cultures, California Indigenous Cultures, and various historical subjects rooted in Humboldt County.  She has approached her research through a post-colonial lens.


As a Cultural Resources Manager, she has utilized research sources such as CHRIS, County Registrar Offices, Historical Societies, Special Collection Facilities, and libraries.  She has experience in both teaching and practicing compliance to Sections 106 and 110 of the NHPA, NEPA, and CEQA.  Humboldt County historical projects have included architectural evaluations, National Register Evaluations, as well as family and architectural histories.  


Dr. Cooper has taught at a post-secondary level for 25 years at Institutions such as the University at Buffalo, Temple University, Humboldt State University, San Francisco State University, and Whitman College.  She has taught courses on Historical topics, Cultural topics, Literature, Material Culture topics, Archaeology, Art History, and Cultural Resources Management. Dr. Cooper is a Registered Professional Archaeologist (#5781).

  • PhD. in Classical Archaeology, University at Buffalo (2008)
  • M.A. in Classics, University at Buffalo (2002)
  • B.A. in History/Minors is Anthropology, Art History and French (1998)