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Douglas Hutt

Research Associate

Douglas Hutt is a registered Tribal member of the Round Valley Indian Tribes (Yuki / Shawnee) located in Northern California.

Douglas started doing archaeology in 1992 as a Tribal Monitor on the Lost Coast, CA. Since then, he has been doing both Tribal Monitor and Archaeological research-tech jobs from Central Oregon to the Bay Area with a specialized niche in North Coast Prehistoric Archaeology and Tribal Consultation. He has completed over 50 projects in 21 seasons for dozens upon dozens of Native Tribes and Federal agencies alike. He has been a teacher's assistant at over a dozen field schools in the Northern California Coastal area.

Douglas worked for seven seasons with the Natural Resources Department for his Tribe as a biological data technician. Some of his duties included 42 different animal surveys per season, aerial animal count surveys, in-water fish count surveys, aquatic invertebrate sampling, large/small woody debris surveys, forestry surveys, road surveys, on the bucket of a CAT survey, and salmonid creek restoration.

He graduated from the California Fish and Game academy in Napa, CA in 2000.  He has attained and completed over 48 different law enforcement training and certifications.

Douglas has also served as treasurer and archaeological liaison while on the Tribal Council of the Round Valley Indian Reservation (2014-2018).

Beyond field archaeology he has been certified in NAGPRA, NARA, CEQA, Section 106 and Tribal Consultation as a course instructor, certified by, no less than Thomas King himself. He also helped his life partner (A graduate of UC Davis in archaeology) start the Yuki language portion of the Native Language curriculum in the local school system.

He is an avid hunter, fisherman, gatherer, Native craftsman, and outdoorsman. Douglas is also a father of four beautiful Native kids.