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Communication Alumni Updates

Craig Sides

CommunicationSpeech Communication, 1980

Craig was invited to be a guest on the "Bold Leadership Stories Show," Among all the guests, he, by far, has had the most views! Putting HSU on the map as the owner of Temecula Valley Solar. He thanked Humboldt State on his Facebook page.

Kristin Coker

Communication, 1989

Kristin is a proud alum of the Speech Communication Department! After graduation, she worked as an Admissions Counselor for Heald Business College. She traveled to San Francisco East Bay high schools and spoke of the importance of staying in school and striving for a higher education. Kristin also worked for a nonprofit organization called Contra Costa ARC, where she was an HR recruiter. The agency was developed to employ and educate adults with developmental disabilities.  

Kristin says her degree was the best choice for me, as it opened many doors to many job market opportunities.   

Michael Barnes

Communication, 2017

Michael Barnes ('17, Communication)  claims it's been a whirlwind since he graduated from Humboldt! Since his formative years as an undergrad studying under the great minds of Joshua Frye, Maxwell Schnurer, Armeda Reitzel, Scott Payton, and Leslie Rossman (now at the University of Denver), he continued to earn a master's degree in Communication from San Diego State University. He is now working toward a Ph.D. in Communication at Ohio University, where he is studying Interpersonal and Organizational Communication from various methodological perspectives. He cannot thank the faculty at Humboldt enough for believing in him and pushing him to go beyond! 


Jason Atherton

Communication, 2009

After graduating HSU in 2009, Jason went to graduate school at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, MI. He lived with his HSU classmate while studying Educational Leadership and Policy. After completing his Masters degree, Jason held positions at universities in Florida, Michigan, and Utah. In 2019, Jason won Outstanding Academic Advisor for the local, state, and national advising conferences. He now lives in Salt Lake City and works with two other HSU Alumni who share his same birthday. Jason appreciates how ahead HSU was in diversity and social justice issues and is amazed how conversations that were happening in Arcata 10 years ago are now in public discourse. Go Jacks!

Paul Deis

CommunicationSpeech and Debate Team, 1999

Paul Deis, Communication, 1999, retired from the Department of State as a Foreign Service Officer in 2009. Paul earned a Master of Arts from the University of Florida in 2011 and a Ph.D. in 2019.

Margot Genger

Communication, 1973

Margot Genger, Communication, 1973, published “Shift Happens — Breakdowns During Life's Long Hauls” in March 2018. Susan Bennett, Ph.D., English Professor Emeritus, writes: "Out of desperation to escape the confines of her small Northern California town, Genger breaks every rule of her 1970s social class, gender, and upbringing to become a long-haul truck driver. 'Shift Happens' will make you laugh, cringe, and celebrate as Margot navigates the underground life of long-haul truck driving with 11 different driving partners. She crisscrosses the U.S. delivering everything from Hustler magazines to Washington State apples — sees both the beauty and the meanness that is America — and eventually realizes what she values in 'home'."

Taylor Kilgore

Communication, 2011

I moved to Colorado accepting a sports anchor position at CBS KKTV. I now get to cover teams like the Broncos, Rockies, Nuggets, and the Air Force Academy.

Billy Wright

Communication, 2014

Billy Wright, 2014 Communication, is currently teaching and coaching in Kerman, Calif., at Kerman High School. Wright was recently invited to coach a high school All-American game played at the Oakland Raiders’ stadium where he will coach alongside guys who played or coached in the NFL.

Erin Carlson-Jones

Communication, 2001

Erin Carlson-Jones, 2001 Communication, is a licensed clinical social worker and trainer. Carlson-Jones has worked in children's mental health for many years, and is now the Director of a 65-bed residential treatment program in San Jose, Calif. Carlson-Jones has been married for 10 years and owns a home in Boulder Creek, Calif.

Dr. Carolyn Dunn

CommunicationIndian Teacher Education Personnel Program (ITEPP), 1986

Carolyn Dunn, 1986 Communication, was recently named associate vice president of institutional diversity for Central Michigan University. In addition to her new post, Dunn has contributed to Project Upward Bound, a program that trains students to succeed in college.