About Us

CHECK IT launched at Humboldt in Feb. 2014. It is a student-led movement that is aimed at creating a more consent-centered culture and empowering us to take action when we witness potential moments of sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking in our community. It’s also about creating a community where we listen to, believe, and support survivors and make clear to those who choose to commit acts of harm that it is unacceptable.
We offer bystander intervention workshops and specialty workshops throughout the year. We host events like the Consent Project (Fall) and our Anniversary Party (Spring). We engage in outreach and tabling throughout the year. In addition, we offer consent themed party merch to individuals and groups throwing on or off campus parties.
If you have any questions or would like further information, contact us at
Creating a Common Language around Bystander Intervention
Our message is simple: If we see a situation that doesn’t quite feel right, CHECK IT.
CHECK IT as a Verb = To check in; To intervene; To do something when we see harm happening around us.
We know when to CHECK IT when we witness a CHECK IT moment.
A "CHECK IT Moment" means witnessing:
- An actual or potential moment of harm (specifically acts of sexual assault, dating violence, stalking)
- An absence of consent or the crossing of boundaries
- A situation where someone may be at a higher risk for being targeted/harmed by someone
- Any situation where someone may need CHECKing in on
Through creating this common language around bystander intervention we can better identify CHECK IT moments and have the tools to talk about them.