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Find out what our students, faculty, and staff are being recognized for.

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Melody Brown


Melody Brown, an HSU Business major with a concentration in accounting, was selected as one of 10 national finalists to attend the Association of Government Accountant (AGA) National Leadership Training (NLT) conference in Washington, D.C. on February 12-13th.

AGA supports government work in all areas of financial management, accounting, auditing, information technology, and other business operations. The mission of the organization is to help the government work more efficiently and effectively. The NLT conference is the flagship networking, training, and solutions event for the AGA. The conference is designed to highlight innovations, best practices, research, and lead to positive changes in government; thereby, leading to benefits for our society.

As a recipient of the AGA NLT scholarship, Melody received an all expense paid trip to Washington D.C., including flight, lodging, and conference fees being paid for. Among the highlights of the event included the opportunity for Melody to meet with the leading KPMG Partner of the Federal Government practice, Jeffrey Steinhoff, the U.S. Comptroller General of the United States, Gene Dodaro, as well as networking with several other notable accounting professionals in attendance. She described the experience as an “incredible learning opportunity that opened her eyes to the vast number of government job opportunities open to the younger generation.” She was surprised by the sheer number of professionals willing to offer advice or career help. Reflecting upon her experience, she has one piece of advice for students: “so next time you hear about a horribly awkward networking event, challenge yourself to go! You might be surprised at what you gain from the experience.”


School of Business Accounting Students and Faculty


Based on recent testing data released by the National Association of State Board of Accountancy (2019), Certified Public Accountant (CPA) exam pass rates for HSU students placed the institution 6th among all CalState business programs. The CPA is considered one of the most challenging professional certifications to pursue within the business field.

Congratulations to our Accounting students for their hard work paying off and to the dedicated faculty who work hard to prepare them!


Dr. Sarita Ray Chaudhury


Dr. Ray Chaudhury is excited to share the successful presentation and publication in proceedings in the Society for Marketing Advances conference in November 2019 of her research project on teen climate activist Greta Thunberg's FridaysforFuture climate strike efforts and its worldwide impact. Dr. Ray Chaudhury co-authored the publication with Dr. Pia A. Albinsson & Dr. Yasanthi B. Perera. The conference proceedings can be found here:


Dr. Sarita Ray Chaudhury


Dr. Ray Chaudhury's article "Encouraging undergraduate students to ‘self-learn’ digital marketing using infographics: An exploratory study," has been published in the Innovations in Teaching Education International Journal.
E-print available at:…


Dr. Sarita Ray Chaudhury


Dr. Sarita Ray Chaudhury, School of Business, served as a Track Chair for the topic "Marketing Education" in the recently held Society for Marketing Advances Conference in New Orleans, LA from Nov 6-9th, 2019.

She also presented a study titled "Citizen-Consumers in Action: The Thunberg Effect in Addressing the Climate Crisis" with co-authors Dr. Pia Albinsson, Appalachian State University and Dr. Yasanthi Perera, Brock University, scheduled to be published in the conference proceedings.

More information on Dr. Ray Chaudhury's research can be found on Google Scholar:


David Sleeth-Keppler


David Sleeth-Keppler recently published an article in the journal Royal Society Open Science along with social scientists from George Mason University, The University of Bristol, and the University of Queensland. The open access paper can be accessed here:


Tyler S. Stumpf


Tyler Stumpf (Asst. Professor, Management) recently had a research paper entitled "Institutions and transaction costs in foreign-local hotel ventures: A grounded investigation in the developing Pacific" accepted for publication in the journal Tourism Management. As opposed to the status quo approach to foreign-local hotel ventures in developing Pacific Islands which is predicated on idealistic presumptions regarding formal institutions, this study elucidates how transaction costs associated with such ventures can be economized by recognizing, valuing, and utilizing informal institutions.


Tyler Stumpf, Kate Lancaster, & Nancy Vizenor


Tyler Stumpf (Asst. Professor, Management) recently presented a research paper written in collaboration with HSU School of Business faculty Kate Lancaster (Associate Professor, Accounting) and Nancy Vizenor (Asst. Professor, Management) entitled "The dual perspective revisited in Pacific Island hotel operations" at the West Federation CHRIE Conference in San Diego, CA. By inductively examining management operations systems in Pacific Island hotels, this study delineates theoretical insights on how Western and East-Asia Pacific perspectives can be integrated to optimize hotel operations in cross-cultural contexts.


Tyler S. Stumpf


Tyler S. Stumpf recently published a paper entitled "Multifaceted Hotel Diversification in Developing Pacific Island Destinations" in the Asia-Pacific Journal of Innovation in Hospitality & Tourism. Using a grounded theory approach, this research explores the strategic practices hotel businesses use to effectively operate in the languid tourism context found in many developing Pacific Islands. A three-dimensional conceptual model for surviving such challenging industry environments dubbed “Multifaceted Hotel Diversification” is proposed and discussed.


Tyler Stumpf


Tyler Stumpf, Asst. Professor of Management, recently published a paper entitled "Navigations: Enhancing Qualitative Hospitality and Tourism Research Outcomes in Pacific Island Countries" in the Asia-Pacific Journal of Innovation in Hospitality and Tourism Management. This paper explores how traditional open-ocean navigation principles predicated on catalyzing inputs from the external environment can be applied to help improve the qualitative research process when investigating hospitality and tourism phenomena in Pacific Island countries.