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Budget Reductions: Phase 2


The URPC met with many groups over the past two months and a had great turnout at the Open Forum on December 8th. Feedback is still being synthesized and we will continue to post additional information as it is available.

●       URPC Co-Chair Memo - Feedback Summary of Phase 2 Reduction Proposals (1-24-18)

●       December 8 Open Forum photos and transcriptions (draft)

●       Faculty Affairs Committee feedback

●       CPS Budget Advisory Committee feedback

●       Summary of online and meeting feedback 

●       Third Street Gallery letter writing campaign


The preliminary list of budget reductions, efficiencies, and innovation opportunities under consideration, currently estimated at $3.8 million, to reach our reduction target of $2.8 million has been released: Phase 2 Options 10/31/17. This list is the culmination of over 150 ideas submitted by members of the University community in the past few years through online feedback forms, Open Forums, and meetings, combined with many discussions with stakeholder groups across the campus. We appreciate everyone’s efforts and commitment to create a sustainable financial structure for Humboldt. It was not an easy task to develop this list and it will take significant additional effort to see this process through to its desired result –achieving a balanced budget. As we continue to explore the feasibility of each option by engaging in further dialogue with the campus community and through the collection of data to help inform the decisions, we fully anticipate the options to evolve and amounts to change. Difficult decisions will need to be made in the coming months, and we seek the entire University community’s participation in helping us make the best decisions about how we reduce our spending and successfully transform the University, while maintaining a student-centered focus.

The next steps in this process will include:

●       The URPC taking the lead on vetting these options with the University community through Open Forums and other meetings to collect feedback to support the decision-making process.

●       Cabinet appointing small work groups of subject matter experts to gather data and evaluate specific options.

As outlined in the Phase 2 update from the President's Cabinet to the URPC in August 2017, the following principles are guiding planning efforts:

●       Decisions will be made in the context of the Strategic Plan, the goals for student success articulated in Graduation Initiative 2025, and the principles for accreditation established by the WASC Senior College & University Commission (WSCUC);

●       Campus engagement will occur throughout the process and stakeholders will have opportunities to provide feedback prior to decisions being made;

●       Recommendations and decisions will be data-informed;

●       A priority will be identifying and eliminating services and activities that are not in alignment with our core mission;

●       Every effort will be made to avoid personnel layoffs, focusing on the thoughtful, evidence-driven elimination of positions as vacancies are created; and

●       All areas will be subject to review and consideration.


A number of Phase 2 option discussions are being scheduled and planned with the following groups.  

●        Open Forum, December 8, 1pm - 3pm, Goodwin Forum

o   Fishbowl style with interactive small group breakout sessions

●        Budget and Finance Group, November 8, 3pm – 4:30pm, SBS 405

●        Divisional leadership team meetings:

o   Student Affairs, November 7, 11am – 1pm

o   Administration & Finance, November 8, 8:15am – 10am

o   OAA, November 15, 9am – 11am

●        SAAS, November 14, 2pm – 4pm, Library Fishbowl

●        Student Engagement and Leadership Group, November 16, 10am – 12pm

●        Staff Council, November 30

●        Info Exchange Group, January 8, 10am (time certain)

●        University Senate, November 14, 4pm (time certain)

●        All College Chairs meeting, November 9, 10am – 12pm

●        College Chairs meetings: 

o   CAHSS, November 30, 10am - 10:45am (time certain)

o   CNRS, November 30, 9:05am - 9:45am (time certain)

o   CPS, December 7, time TBD


 August 2017 letter to the URPC:  Phase 2 Update

January 2017 letter to the URPCStatus report on fiscal planning for -5% budget reduction for FY 2017-18