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Jonathan Montgomery Ph.D.

Lecturer - Botany

Jonathan Montgomery grew up in Roslyn, Washington, completed his bachelor's at Humboldt State University in 2013 and acquired his PhD at the University of California, Riverside in 2018.

Research Focus

My work focuses on plant water use, specifically regarding turfgrass. Primarily I investigate the promise of biochar and other soil amendments in reducing turfgrass water use along with impacts on soil structure and function.

  • PhD (2018) University of California, Riverside
  • BS (2013) Humboldt State University
  • Principles of Biology
  • Introduction to Ecology
  • Tissue Culture
  • Plant Ecology
  • Montgomery, Jonathan F. "The Importance of Irrigation Scheduling for Water Savings with Turfgrass Grown in Soils Amended with Biochar." 2019 ASHS Annual Conference
  • Azeem, Muhammad, et al. "Biochar and compost effects on soil microbial communities and nitrogen induced respiration in turfgrass soils." Plos one 15.11 (2020): e0242209.
  • da Silva Filho, J. B., Fontes, P. C. R., Cecon, P. R., Ferreira, J. F., McGiffen, M. E., & Montgomery, J. F. (2020). “Yield of Potato Minitubers under Aeroponics, Optimized for Nozzle Type and Spray Direction.” HortScience, 55(1), 14-22.
  • Hale, L., Curtis, D., Azeem, M., Montgomery, J., Crowley, D. E., & McGiffen Jr, M. E. (2021). “Influence of compost and biochar on soil biological properties under turfgrass supplied deficit irrigation.” Applied Soil Ecology, 168, 104134.