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Provost Communications, Wednesday, September 6, 2023

September 6, 2023

Hello everyone and happy Wednesday! I hope you enjoyed the long three-day weekend.


College Colors Day Is Today! Wednesday, September 6, 2023, from 3 pm-7 pm - Think PINK

It is taking place at the Arcata Community Center. Please join our students, staff, faculty, alumni, and families for this event to show school spirit and enjoy food, music, face painting, bounce houses, games, a staff and faculty kickball tournament, and more. All attendees are encouraged to wear their school colors, whether it be green and gold for Cal Poly Humboldt, cardinal and gold for College of the Redwoods, or other colors from your alma mater! Please know that while this event is from 3-7 p.m., you can attend at any time, as your schedule permits. The Academic Affairs kickball team has been practicing and I am excited about prospects for a good showing at the tournament. Our team color is Barbie pink so Academic Affairs, please show your support.


Call for Interest in Serving on the Health Task Force and Status of Graduate Studies Task Force

Thanks to everyone who responded to the call for interest in serving on the Graduate Studies Task Force. I received nearly 40 people who expressed interest in serving. The Academic Affairs leadership team meets today to review the list and determine representatives and you will be informed if you were selected to serve on the task force by the end of the week with an announcement going out on Monday in my next Provost Communication.  


I am also seeking participants to serve on a Health Task Force. The purpose of this Task Force is the following:  

  1. Lead efforts to determine new academic degree programs in health to address workforce and polytechnic phase two (2026) goals.  
  2. Review existing academic degree programs in and related to health and collaborate with the departments to amplify pathways for students into degrees to launch into the workforce and/or graduate school. 
  3. Identifying opportunities to improve access to healthcare in Humboldt County in partnership with the Redwood Coast Collaborative K-16 Grant and local community groups.


If you are interested in serving on the Health Task Force please send an email to by Friday, September 15, 2023. 


Accessibility Faculty Fellows

Returning in their leadership roles as Accessibility Faculty Fellows for Academic Year 2023-2024 are:

  • Dr. Suzanne Pasztor, College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences
  • Dr. Mari Sanchez, College of Professional Studies
  • Dr. Roxann Schroeder, College of Natural Resources & Sciences

The Accessibility Faculty Fellows are tasked with helping the campus become more inclusive of people with disabilities. They are available to attend your department or college meetings and to help individual faculty get the help they need to make their classes more fully accessible.  Please reach out to the Accessibility Fellow for your college, and look for communications from your representative throughout the semester.


Office of Research & Sponsored Programs Summer 2023 Bulletin

The Office of Research publishes two newsletters during the academic year; a fall and spring edition. These newsletters are used to highlight new awards, share what improvements our office is currently working on, update our researchers on any important changes that may affect their projects, and keep the campus community up to date with relevant grant news. Click Here to read the Bulletin. In addition, two shorter bulletins are published at the conclusion of the summer and winter breaks. Included in these bulletins is a recap of important updates our Principal Investigators (PIs) may have missed during their time away from campus. For the convenience of our PIs, we've archived our past issues, available here.


Thanks and I will see you at College Colors Day.




Jenn Capps, PhD 

Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs 

Cal Poly Humboldt