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Provost Communication, Wednesday, March 5, 2025

March 5, 2025

Hello everyone and happy Wednesday. I hope your week is going well. 

Call for Feedback - WSCUC 2025 Accreditation DRAFT Essays

Cal Poly Humboldt’s Accreditation Steering Committee has prepared four essay DRAFTS for the university’s WSCUC 2025 accreditation institutional report, and the committee is requesting collegial feedback from the entire campus community. 

These are first drafts; thus, every piece of feedback will offer a valuable opportunity to revise and improve the story our campus is telling. Feedback forms will remain open until April 11, 2025, and we will share what we heard at the University Senate before the end of the spring semester

The four essays correspond to WSCUC’s four accreditation standards:

  1. Defining Institutional Mission and Acting with Integrity

  2. Achieving Educational Objectives and Student Success

  3. Assuring Resources and Organizational Structures

  4. Creating an Organization Committed to Quality Assurance and Improvement

Through these essays, we endeavor to tell the story of Cal Poly Humboldt —where we are succeeding, where we are challenged, and where we want to go. After reading the final version of this report next fall and visiting campus the following spring, an evaluation team will conclude the process by making recommendations to WSCUC leadership, including how long to extend our accreditation and whether or not to schedule any interim visits or required reporting. 

At the Submit Comments page on the university’s accreditation website, you will find links to the DRAFT essays, each including a link to submit feedback.

Ideas to Make Cal Poly Humboldt More Sustainable? Grant Opportunity Available with a Deadline to Apply: March 10, 2025

The Sustainable Humboldt Innovative Futures Trust (SHIFT) is now accepting grant proposals. SHIFT is a student-driven organization that supports sustainability initiatives at Cal Poly Humboldt, using allocated funds to finance projects that focus on environmental conservation, social justice, natural resources, carbon impacts, waste reduction, and more. Students, staff, and faculty are encouraged to submit any well-developed project ideas that will help make Humboldt a more sustainable campus.

The submission window for proposals is open until March 10, 2025. Here are the three resources you will need to submit:

  1. SHIFT Grant Submission Requirements (read carefully)

  2. Submission form (answer all questions and upload supporting docs)

  3. Budget template (make a copy and upload as a supporting doc)

For more information, visit SHIFT here

There are several great ways to engage in dialogue and scholarship. Here are a few opportunities:

Monthly Listening Circle – Tomorrow, Thursday, March 6, 2025, 2 pm- 3 pm

You're invited to the next monthly listening circle in person at the Social Justice, Equity, and Inclusion Center (Balabanis House) or virtually via Zoom. Hosted by the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (ODEI) in collaboration with campus partners, these sessions foster open dialogue and inclusion. Facilitators will guide discussions in a safe, unrecorded space. Coffee, tea, hot cocoa, and pastries will be provided! Looking forward to seeing you!

Check Out Mimi Khúc’s Presentation on Pedagogy of Unwellness: Tomorrow Thursday March 6, 2025, 3 pm - 4:20 pm

The Presentation will take place at the College Creek 260 (Great Hall) above the Marketplace as she shares her work on unwellness and the university from her new book, dear elia: Letters from the Asian American Abyss, a hybrid scholarly-arts project that traces the contemporary mental health crisis at its many intersections with what she calls “compulsory wellness” and through that asks readers to engage their own unwellness. This event is part of the 2025 Social Justice Summit, Cultures Within Our Communities: The Advocacies We Stand For. Please see the attached flyer for more information.

What’s Possible in Trump’s First 100 Days? Friday March 7, 2025 from 12 pm - 1 pm

Please join Cal Poly Humboldt’s Department of Politics faculty and Politics Club students for a panel discussion this  Friday, March 7 from 12 pm to 1 pm in Siemens Hall 108. 

Light refreshments will be provided. You can use the Zoom Link to register for remote participation. This panel discussion is free and open to the public. 

For questions or accommodations, contact the Politics Club at or the faculty advisor: Dr. Tani Sebro,

Have a great rest of your week.

Jenn Capps