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Provost Communication, Wednesday, February 19, 2025

February 19, 2025

Hi everyone. Happy Wednesday. I hope your week is going well

Reminder URPC Divisional Presentations Starting this Friday, February 21, 2025, 1 pm-3 pm

As a reminder, URPC Divisional Presentations begin this Friday! You are invited to join us via this Zoom link. Please feel free to join us for all of the divisional updates or just the ones that you are interested in. They will all be recorded and posted on the URPC webpage following the presentations. Presenters will spend 50% of their time providing information and 50% of the allocated time is reserved for questions and answers (Q&A). The schedule is as follows:

Friday, February 21, 2025, from 1 pm to 3 pm

  • University Wide: 1:10 pm-1:40 pm

  • President’s Office: 1:40 pm-2:00 pm

  • Advancement: 2:00 pm-2:30 pm

  • Administrative Affairs: 2:30 pm-3:00 pm

Additions and Farewells

Periodically I like to share when employees in academic affairs join us, leave us or move within the university. If you wish to submit an employee for inclusion in this list for a future provost communication please send the information to


Elizabeth Lujan - Assistant Registrar for CEEGE

Dane Oppenborn (not new but new to fully supporting Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) as the Interim OLLI Program Specialist

Melanie Schauwecker - Administrative Support Coordinator (ASC) for Sociology in the College of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences (CAHSS). 

Andrea Webb - Extended Education Specialist for the College of Extended Education and Global Engagement (CEEGE) moving from Athletics where she served as the Assistant Athletics Director for Compliance and Student Success


Erin Scofield - (ASC) for CEEGE 

Summer Turner - Assistant Registrar for CEEGE who is retiring February, 28, 2025  

George Wrenn - Collection Development & Access Services Lead Librarian - after 20 years of stellar service is retiring and his last day will be February 20, 2025.  Wow! Thank you for your incredible length of service, George!

Additionally, you may have seen that Dr. Rebecca Robertson, Director of the Interdisciplinary Studies – Individualized Degree Program (IDP) will be the new Dean of Culture, Society, and Communication at College of the Redwoods. To read more about this you can click here. She will transition away from her role at Cal Poly Humboldt in June. Additional information about plans for leadership transition for IDP is forthcoming. 

Environmental Journalism Student Lunch and Learn Event

Get career advice and tips for telling environmental stories that make a difference with High Country News Editor-in-Chief, Jennifer Sahn, and Indigenous Environmental Reporter, B. “Toastie” Oaster on Thursday, February 20, from 12–1 pm in the Library Fishbowl. (See attached flier.) 

Distinguished Faculty Lecture Series

You are invited to the upcoming Distinguished Faculty Lecture Series presented by the 2023-24 faculty award recipients. Award recipients are nominated by their colleagues or students for excellence in their field, and then reviewed by a Faculty Awards Committee. 

The upcoming events are an opportunity for award recipients to engage with the campus and local community by giving a public lecture or performance or a different activity of their choosing. Please join us for this semester’s upcoming talks. The first talk is:

Andrea Juarez- Excellence in Teaching: Wednesday, February 26, 2025, 5:00-7:00 pm

Goodwin Forum, NHE102

Title: Beyond “Pedagogy”: Why Mentoring & Career Matter Too

Summary: A 2024 Inside Higher Ed survey found that more than half of students believe their professors should be mentors and should help them prepare for careers. Andrea will discuss ways she helps students succeed in and after college by fostering a classroom with engaging content, teaching curiosity and building confidence.

Lectures are free and open to students, faculty, staff, and members of the local community.

Have a wonderful rest of your week.

Jenn Capps