Provost Communication, Monday, October 14, 2024
October 14, 2024
Good morning and happy Monday. It was a vibrant week on campus last week with our Chancellor, trustees, and other Chancellor’s office staff members out to our campus for the Presidential Search Open Forum. It was wonderful to see the engagement of our campus community with the search committee.
In addition, we had members of our CSU System Professional and Continuing Education (PaCE) Leadership Council on campus and Cal Poly Humboldt was serving as host of the PaCE Systemwide meeting for the first time in history. Congratulations to Dean Cindy Bumgarner and the CEEGE team for hosting such a great set of meetings.
Black Excellence Speaker Series: Keynote & Workshop with Dr. Geneva Craig
In collaboration with the Umoja Center, the Department of Child Development & Family Relationships, Human Resources, and Enrollment Management & Student Success, the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (ODEI) is excited to host Dr. Geneva Craig as the second of three distinguished speakers in the Black Excellence Speaker Series. Each speaker will present a keynote address and lead a professional development workshop.
Dr. Craig, widely known as Dr. G, will deliver her keynote address, "The Little Girl, Who Discovered She Wasn’t the Right Color" on Monday, October 14, 2024, from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm in the Helen Everett Reading Room (LIB 202H). She will also give a lecture titled "Resilience and Resistance: Stories from the Civil Rights Movement” on Tuesday, October 15, 2024, from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm in the Great Hall.
In addition, Dr. G will lead a professional development workshop titled "Teach with Care, Serve with Kindness" on Monday, October 14, 2024, from 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm in LIB 317. This workshop aligns with our ongoing work on the Institutional Anti-Racism Action Plan and supports the goals of the Black Student Excellence initiative.
Staff and faculty who attend will earn CSU Learn credit. Register here!
Latinx Heritage Month Proclamation
I would like to acknowledge the success of the Tardeada that Cal Poly Humboldt hosted with Oaxacan writers on September 19, 2024, organized by equity Arcata. In addition, leaders from various Latinx community organizations gathered and helped shape a Latinx Heritage Month proclamation delivered by the City of Arcata last Wednesday. The county then modeled its own proclamation which was read at the most recent Board of Supervisors meeting. This demonstrates the positive impact of equity Arcata’s work in our community and highlights its important role as a valuable partner for our institution. Well done!
Commencement and Faculty Regalia Reminder
As you all likely saw in the campus announcement this past Friday Fall 2024 Commencement planning is in the works. Fall 2024 Commencement is scheduled for Friday, December 20, 2024, in Lumberack Arena.
The Fall 2024 Commencement ceremony time has yet to be determined and will be based on student registration and participation in each major and college affiliation. Once student registration closes on November 6, 2024, we will be able to better determine the start time and make the announcement. Please plan for an afternoon ceremony.
Faculty and Staff Participation: There are a myriad of details that go into running a successful Commencement. Employees are needed to assist on the day, whether it be participating in the procession or supporting Commencement "behind the scenes".
Processional Participation: As a reminder, faculty are expected, as part of their service to the university, to participate in at least one commencement exercise per year. Faculty and staff participating in the processional and who will be seated in the faculty/staff section during the ceremony are being asked to register their processional participation by November 15, 2024. The College Office Coordinators will be coordinating the student and faculty/staff line-up in the West Gym and will be providing information and updates to faculty & staff registrants.
Commencement Support: Employees are also needed to assist at Commencement. This includes administrators, faculty, staff, students (and even volunteers). Positions such as greeting, ushering, handing out programs, providing ADA shuttle and wheelchair support, providing parking and traffic support, supporting the graduate and faculty/staff line-up area, etc. are available. Those who would like to work Fall 2024 Commencement are asked to make arrangements with their supervisor about adjustments in their weekly work schedule and to submit their Commencement work interest and availability by November 15, 2024. Information regarding shift assignments at Commencement will be shared closer to the event.
More information on faculty and staff participation can be found at
Regalia and Memorabilia: Faculty and Staff who need to order regalia can do so with Herff Jones Faculty Direct. The deadline to order regalia to be received in time for the event is October 25, 2024, at 8:59 p.m. PST. Items ordered online by the deadline will be available to pick up at The Campus Store’s on-campus location around December 2, 2024. If you have any questions regarding regalia orders, contact The Campus Store at (707) 826-3741.
Thank you and I am truly looking forward to an incredible Fall Commencement!
Have a great Monday.
Jenn Capps, PhD
Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs
Cal Poly Humboldt