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Provost Communication, Monday, March 3, 2025

March 3, 2025

Hello everyone and happy Monday. It’s hard to believe we are nearing the halfway point of the semester. Time sure is flying.

URPC Divisional Presentation Recording and PPT Slides

Thanks to everyone who joined the URPC this past Friday for the divisional presentations from Academic Affairs, Enrollment Management and Student Success, and Athletics. Thanks to Nick Petit, Chrissy Holiday, Patrick Orona, Brigid Wall, and Nate Cacciari-Roy for making the divisional presentations a success. We had wonderful attendance and engagement. If you would like to view the recording of the presentations, you can access them here. The PowerPoint slides from the presentations can be found on the URPC website and accessed here. The next step for the URPC is to begin work on our budget recommendation to the President, which will be presented to the University Senate next month. 

Invitation to Participate in Call and Postcard Campaigns

Strategic Student Communications & Admissions invites all academic departments to participate in Call and Postcard Campaigns. A few things to note: 

  • The form is set up so only one person per department or major fills it out. If multiple people in a department will be participating, you may need to coordinate a bit before filling out the form. 

  • Last year's data from the call and postcard campaigns found that students who spoke with someone from an academic department had a 91% higher odds of enrolling. Additionally, we found that students who both spoke with someone and received a postcard had 63% higher odds of enrolling.

  • Please contact Chelsea Mooney, Associate Director of Strategic Student Communications at if you have any questions. Please consider participating!

Early Academic Feedback for Student Athletes

It's that time of the semester again! Starting today, faculty will begin receiving requests checking in on the academic progress of any student athletes enrolled in their classes. Please do respond with this information as it's a critically important part of our strategy to support student athletes academically, and it is key to ensuring that they remain eligible to participate with their teams and represent Cal Poly Humboldt in their sport. We continue to refine the process to make it as easy as possible for faculty to respond.  

Last semester we contacted 301 faculty members and received responses from 255, which is a significant improvement from the previous round, and we want to continue to increase those numbers.  Of the 1011 total grades we received from faculty in the fall, 91 grades were non-passing.  With support from our faculty, coaches and staff, more than half of those student athletes were able to get back on track and pass their classes.  Thanks in advance for your help with this process, and please reach out to our campus Faculty Athletic Representative ( FAR), Julie Alderson ( with any questions, issues or concerns.

Distinguished Faculty Lecture Series: Humnath Panta- Scholar of the Year, Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 5:00-7:00 pm 

Goodwin Forum, NHE102

Title: Empowering Inquiry: Enhancing Student Research Experiences

Summary: What defines an impactful research experience for students? Where do moments of discovery and growth occur in their academic journeys? In this interactive session, we will explore strategies to elevate student research experiences by fostering curiosity, collaboration, and meaningful mentorship. Together, we will consider how a supportive, inquiry-driven environment can empower students to engage deeply with their research, develop critical thinking skills, and contribute to knowledge creation. Please bring a story of a transformative student research experience or an example of effective mentorship to share as we collectively build a vision for enhancing research opportunities in our educational communities.

Have a great Monday.

Jenn Capps