Provost Communication, Monday, February 24, 2025
February 24, 2025
Hello and happy Monday. I hope you all had a nice weekend. I wanted to take a moment to thank Enoch Hale, Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning, Sei Hee Hwang, Interim Director of Programs and Partnerships, College of Extended Education & Global Engagement (CEEGE), and Sara Hart, Chair, Departments of History and Religious Studies and Director, Humboldt College Corps for joining me and representing Cal Poly Humboldt at the CSU Social Mobilty Conference at CSU San Marcos. Cal Poly Humboldt earned a nice shout-out from the Chancellor about our work in incorporating workforce-aligned and hands-on experiences in most of our coursework. Well done!
Well Done
Shout out to Kimberly Vincent-Layton, Center for Teaching & Learning (CTL), Jeffrey White, Biological Sciences, and their colleagues across California's three public higher education systems on their recent publication! Their article, featured in a Special Issue on Online Faculty Professional Development, examines the Humanizing Online STEM Academy program. *Many Humboldt faculty and CTL staff participated in this program.
This research specifically:
Documents faculty experiences in the Academy
Explores how the program promotes humanizing and inclusive teaching practices
Analyzes the program's impact on participants' teaching approaches
Yu, D., Liu, Y., Shea, Z.M., Vincent-Layton, K., White, J., & Pacansky-Brock, M. (2025) Humanizing college online instruction: The effects of professional development on faculty perceptions and instructional practices. The Internet and Higher Education, 65, 1-21.
*The Humanizing Online STEM Academy was supported by two grants from the California Education Learning Lab, of which Cal Poly Humboldt was part of the grant team representing the CSU.
URPC Divisional Updates
Thanks to everyone who joined the URPC this past Friday for the division reports from University Wide, the President’s Office, Advancement, and Administrative Affairs. Powerpoint slides and the recording will be available in Wednesday's Provost Communication and will also be posted to the URPC website.
Please join us this Friday, February 28, 2025, for the second set of divisional presentations. The schedule is as follows:
Academic Affairs:12:40 pm- 1:20 pm
Enrollment Management and Student Success:1:20 pm-1:50 pm
Athletics:1:50 pm-2:20 pm
The meeting can be accessed via this Zoom link. Looking forward to your continued engagement.
Humboldt College Corps Cohort 4 Applications Now Open: Learn, Serve, Earn
Humboldt College Corps is recruiting Fellows for Cohort 4 to serve their community over the 2025-2026 Academic Year. Humboldt College Corps, a program based in the Center for Community Based Learning, is part of a state-led initiative to address needs in the areas of K-12 Education, Climate Action, and Food Insecurity. College Corps Fellows from Cal Poly Humboldt and College of the Redwoods earn $7,000 in monthly stipends, and up to $3,000 in educational awards for completing 450 hours of service at their community site placement. Fellows also take AHSS 480 where they engage in cohort building and gain valuable professional development skills.
A few examples of site placements for next year are below:
K-12 Education: Alder Grove Charter School, Fuente Nueva Charter School, Northern Humboldt Union High School
Climate Action: Bureau of Land Management, Fish & Wildlife, Trinidad Coastal Land Trust
Food Insecurity: Arcata House, Food for People, Potawot Community Food Garden
Humboldt College Corps can partner with your department to place students at a site that would also meet practica or internship requirements. This is a great opportunity for students to earn money while meeting academic program requirements and/or gaining hands-on learning experience. Students are encouraged to APPLY TODAY to jumpstart their careers! Please share with your students and send any questions to Please see the attached flyers for additional information.
Have a great Monday.
Jenn Capps