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Payment Request Form

The Payment Request Form may be used for those types of activities for which little or no value can be added by processing the transaction through standard procurement procedures. Examples of when the Payment Request Form may be used include reimbursements, hospitality expenses, and low dollar purchases not made using a ProCard.

Campus departmental personnel shall utilize the Payment Request Form for a direct pay. Included must be name, campus address, campus identification number clearly stated, a description of payment, and receipts of the procurement or invoice. The receipt must be itemized and specific. A claim for “miscellaneous merchandise” will not be reimbursed. Receipts should indicate payment, shipping/delivery and dates of completion. If an itemized receipt is not available, a “lost receipt memo” will need to be attached with the proper authorizing signatures.

Once complete, the signed form and receipts/invoice should be emailed to:

Hospitality expenses must be directly related to, or associated with, the active conduct of official Humboldt business. Instructions are found on the Hospitality web page.

The preferred method for paying a guest lecturer is to establish a flat fee contract for service using the Requisition/Purchase Order process. This method insures that the guest lecturer will indemnify and hold harmless the University in connection with their performance or activity and also puts responsibility for all travel expenses on the guest lecturer, since the flat fee covers all costs associated with providing the service.

A guest lecturer is an individual who speaks to a class because of his/her expertise, is paid a flat rate, and is not the instructor of record. It is important that the “guest lecturer” option be selected on the Payment Request Form and that the individual signs the General Indemnity clause prior to performing the service. Account 660810 (Guest Lecturer) should be used for all costs associated with bringing a guest lecturer to campus. If the guest lecturer payment includes reimbursement for travel expenses, please attach a copy of the travel claim with itemized receipts as backup.

Guest Lecturer Form

For expenses related to prospective employee recruitment, please submit a separate form for each individual/vendor invoice being paid or reimbursed to Accounts Payable (AP). If the payment request includes reimbursement to the recruit for travel expenses, please attach a copy of the Travel Expense Claim with itemized receipts as backup. Account 660042 (Empl Recruitment & Relocation) should be used for all costs associated with prospective employee recruitment.

NOTE: Form 119 - Recruitment Reimbursement Request is no longer required and Accounts Payable (AP) does not need the entire recruitment packet in order to process payments related to recruitment. Please check with your area's budget analyst regarding internal processes related to prospective employee recruitment that still need to be followed.

The preferred method for paying a non-employee trainer is to establish a flat fee contract for service using the Requisition/ Purchase Order process. This method insures that the trainer will indemnify and hold harmless the University in connection with their performance or activity and also puts responsibility for all travel expenses on the trainer, since the flat fee covers all costs associated with providing the service.

It is important that the “training” option be selected on the Payment Request Form and that the individual signs the General Indemnity clause prior to performing the service. Account 660009 (Training and Prof Development) should be used for all costs associated with bringing an individual to campus to provide training. In the event that the trainer is paid a fee and reimbursed for actual travel costs incurred, this form should be used, along with a travel claim and itemized receipts.

NOTE: In addition to paying a trainer to come to campus, the training and professional development account is used for a variety of training and professional development activities. If an employee is traveling to attend training, the training component should be incorporated into the travel authorization process.

The direct pay option is used to process transactions where another form of payment is not needed and when the payment is not attributable to one of the specific drop-down options provided on the Payment Request Form.

  • Non-employee travel and refunds must be paid by Direct Pay.
  • If not paid by ProCard, advertisements, memberships, conference and/or seminar fees, and books/subscriptions/publications (not IT subscriptions) may be paid by Direct Pay.
  • If not paid through a PO, an Honorarium may be paid by Direct Pay.
  • Reimbursements for non-travel expenses up to $500 must be paid by Direct Pay. If it involves food, drink or entertainment, it must conform to the Hospitality Policy.