Presentation Year
Depreciated Participant
Raul Barajas-RamirezBotanyUndergraduate Student,Harrison KummerBotanyUndergraduate Student
College or Department
Short Description of your Research or Creative Project (700 characters or less)
For our Idea Fest “Idea” we are planning on using native T.E.K within the field of Botany in terms of medicinal uses, identification and importance of plants the ecosystem in relation to native burnings. To better improve and drive the field of Botany. We will be focusing the the different types of T.E.K within the tribes surrounding humboldt county and seeing how we can incorporate it with general Botany and Ethnobotany practices such as surveying and identifying plants based on medicinal and overall characteristics of native plants around humboldt county. For this project we plan on obtaining our research through the library and hopefully the native tribes around Humboldt county.
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