Creative Coast
Explore and learn about the arts at Humboldt and in the community
Get to know the rich and vibrant communities of artists at Cal Poly Humboldt and in the wider community, which is home to numerous galleries, museums, professional artists and filmmakers, and art nonprofits. You’ll connect with your peers and community members through field trips and hands-on learning opportunities.
This program is for students majoring in Art, Dance, Film, Music, and Theatre Arts.
At Humboldt,
we learn in and from the environment around us.
Get Hands-On Experience
Our extensive facilities include a foundry, ceramics lab, print studio, photography lab, film production studios, galleries, and much more. As an undergraduate, you’ll get hands-on experience in graphic design, painting and drawing, sculpture and metal work, ceramics, photography, filmmaking and other disciplines of your choosing.
Personal Attention
Our learning communities help you get to know your professors and fellow students through your education. This community will help you grow as a creative practitioner and intellectual, supporting you throughout your undergraduate career and beyond.
An Artistic Community
The local area is well-known as an arts haven. The small-but-thriving arts community is intimate but inclusive, and Creative Coast will help you interact with professional artists and filmmakers, engage in the local gallery scene, and participate in film screenings and festivals.

The Specialized Experiences that Make up Creative Coast
Enroll in program-specific sections of major and general education courses. These courses will demonstrate the link between your major and relate to the place where you are choosing to live and study for the next four years.
Join a community of first-year students who are engaged and excited about studying engineering and design, and applying their knowledge and experience to the real world.
You’ll enjoy a support network from day one, working closely with professors, peer mentors, Humboldt staff, and professionals who will help you grow academically and personally.
To start your academic journey right, you’ll take a course that teaches college basics (such as campus resources and study habits) and explore what it means to be an engineer.
Take a Native American Studies course that expands the way you see the world and exposes you to Indigenous knowledge systems and values.

Guided Enrollment for Fall Semester
All students in Creative Coast will have the opportunity to enroll in:
- NAS 104 (Introduction to Native American Studies)
- COMM 100, ENGL 102, or ENGL 104 (Fundamentals of Speech Communication or Composition and Rhetoric)
These courses are selected in collaboration with the Creative Coast faculty team and are relevant to Creative Coast specific programming.
Art majors will also have the opportunity to enroll in the following courses:
- AHSS 180 (Selected Topics in Arts and Humanities: Creative Coast)
- ART 103A (Prehistoric to Medieval Art)
- ART 105B (Fundamentals of Drawing)
- ART 105D (3D Foundations)
All students in Creative Coast will have the opportunity to enroll in:
- NAS 104 (Introduction to Native American Studies)
- COMM 100, ENGL 102, or ENGL 104 (Fundamentals of Speech Communication or Composition and Rhetoric)
These courses are selected in collaboration with the Creative Coast faculty team and are relevant to Creative Coast specific programming.
Film majors will also have the opportunity to enroll in the following courses:
- AHSS 180 (Selected Topics in Arts and Humanities: Creative Coast)
- ART 250 or ART 251 (Darkroom Photography or Photography I)
- AHSS 101 (The Stories We Tell)
All students in Creative Coast will have the opportunity to enroll in:
- NAS 104 (Introduction to Native American Studies)
- COMM 100, ENGL 102, or ENGL 104 (Fundamentals of Speech Communication or Composition and Rhetoric)
These courses are selected in collaboration with the Creative Coast faculty team and are relevant to Creative Coast specific programming.
Dance majors will also have the opportunity to enroll in the following courses:
- DANCE 101T (Critical Thinking in the Performing Arts)
- DANC 103 or DANC 104 (Modern/Contemporary I or Modern/Contemporary II)
- DANC 303 (Dance in World Cultures)
All students in Creative Coast will have the opportunity to enroll in:
- NAS 104 (Introduction to Native American Studies)
- COMM 100, ENGL 102, or ENGL 104 (Fundamentals of Speech Communication or Composition and Rhetoric)
These courses are selected in collaboration with the Creative Coast faculty team and are relevant to Creative Coast specific programming.
Music majors will also have the opportunity to enroll in the following courses:
- MUSIC 101T (Critical Thinking in the Performing Arts)
- MUS 104 (Introduction to Music)
- MUS 218 (Keyboard Musicianship)
- MUS 216 (Ear Training I)
All students in Creative Coast will have the opportunity to enroll in:
- NAS 104 (Introduction to Native American Studies)
- COMM 100, ENGL 102, or ENGL 104 (Fundamentals of Speech Communication or Composition and Rhetoric)
These courses are selected in collaboration with the Creative Coast faculty team and are relevant to Creative Coast specific programming.
Theatre majors will also have the opportunity to enroll in the following courses:
- TA 101T (Critical Thinking in the Performing Arts)
- TA 104 (Story Through Word and Image)
- TA 328 (Production Practicum)
Guided Enrollment for Spring Semester
All students in Creative Coast will have the opportunity to enroll in:
- MATH (dependent on preparedness)
- COMM 100 (Fundamentals of Speech Communication)
Art majors will also have the opportunity to enroll in the following courses:
- ART 103B (Renaissance to Contemporary Art)
- ART 105C (2D Foundations)
All students in Creative Coast will have the opportunity to enroll in:
- MATH (dependent on preparedness)
- COMM 100 (Fundamentals of Speech Communication)
Film majors will also have the opportunity to enroll in the following courses:
- TA 104 (Story Through Word and Image)
- FILM 104 (Art of Film: 1950s to Present)
All students in Creative Coast will have the opportunity to enroll in:
- MATH (dependent on preparedness)
- COMM 100 (Fundamentals of Speech Communication)
Dance majors will also have the opportunity to enroll in the following courses:
- DANC 120 or DANC 310 (Jazz Dance Styles I or Ballet II)
- DANC 287 (Choreography with Rhythmic Analysis)
All students in Creative Coast will have the opportunity to enroll in:
- MATH (dependent on preparedness)
- COMM 100 (Fundamentals of Speech Communication)
Music majors will also have the opportunity to enroll in the following courses:
- MUS 113 (Piano II)
- MUS 217 (Ear Training II)
- MUS 219 (Foundations of Harmony)
- MUS 220 or 237 (Studio Piano or Studio Guitar)
- MUS 106 or 107 (Ensembles)
All students in Creative Coast will have the opportunity to enroll in:
- MATH (dependent on preparedness)
- COMM 100 (Fundamentals of Speech Communication)
Theatre majors will also have the opportunity to enroll in the following courses:
- TA 105 (Acting I: Principles of Performance)
- TA 328 (Production Practicum)
Meet our Faculty Leads
Abigail Smithson
Faculty Co-Coordinator for Creative Coast
(707) 826-5946