Support for Employees
CSU Immigration Guidance for Employees
Many members of the CSU community are concerned that potential immigration enforcement actions could occur at a CSU university. This set of FAQs provides guidance for how a responsible university employee should respond to immigration enforcement actions at a CSU university. Please bear in mind that Department of Homeland Security (DHS) policies are subject to change; we will update this guidance as those policies are issued or revised.
Guidance for Employees Who May Need to Interact with Immigration Enforcement Officers
- CSU is a public university and a large portion of CSU property is open to the general public. The areas on campus that are open to the general public, like the campus quad and walkways, are also open to federal immigration enforcement officers.
However, immigration officers cannot enter areas that are not open to the general public, such as residence halls, classrooms while class is in session, confidential meeting rooms and spaces, or employee offices unless the officer presents a valid judicial warrant or declares that exigent circumstances exist. Exigent circumstances are emergency situations that would allow immigration officers to enter a location without a judicial warrant (see FAQ No. 2).
- Cal Poly Humboldt has designated Anthony Casas, Associate Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer, reachable at (707) 826-5177 or, and David Hickcox, Title IX Coordinator & DHR Prevention Administrator reachable at (707) 826-5177 or to review all immigration enforcement documents.
If an immigration enforcement officer approaches you to gain access to a nonpublic area of the campus, or to obtain confidential student or employee records, do not voluntarily grant access; respectfully inform the officer that you lack authority but will immediately contact Casas. If neither of these administrators is available, contact the University Police Department (UPD) at (707) 826-5555.
- If immigration enforcement officers declare exigent circumstances, or enter nonpublic spaces without permission, do not interfere or obstruct them. Immediately contact UPD at (707) 826-5555.
- CSU has prepared the following resource materials to educate and assist employees concerning interactions with immigration enforcement officials:
- FAQs for CSU Employees about Federal Immigration Enforcement Actions on University Property
- Presentation Slides: Responding to Immigration Enforcement Requests to Access Nonpublic Areas on Campus and/or Student or Employee Records; training posted to CSULearn
- Quick Reference Guide: What to Do If a Federal Immigration Enforcement Officer Requests Access to University Property or Records
- California Attorney General Guidance and Model Policies to Assist Universities in Responding to Immigration Issues
- Additional Resources
- Resources for Undocumented Students
- Resources, Guides and FAQs
- Free Legal Immigration Services
- Scholars Without Borders, which hosts regular Know Your Rights workshops open to the campus community
- Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights (CHIRLA), which makes regular visits to campus and provides free legal immigration services
- Resources for Undocumented Students
Employee Assistance Program
LifeMatters, the employee assistance program through Empathia, is available to Cal Poly Humboldt employees and their dependents/permanent household members. Employees can call LifeMatters 24/7/365 to speak with a licensed counselor about issues related to mental well-being, including job stress, financial issues, personal relationship issues, substance abuse concerns, or anything else that you may need to talk through.
Faculty Immigration Resources
Academic Personnel Services (APS) is the official campus office for submission of visa applications. APS provides assistance to hiring units and international faculty on the required documentation needed to submit a complete visa application.