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Educational Resources

General links

  • The National Center for Research Resources. This site has links to many resources related to research.
  • The site at IACUC.ORG offers a list of references covering topics related to IACUC concerns. Many of these references are not in our library but can be obtained through interlibrary loan.
  • AWIC - USDA Animal Welfare Information Center; this site includes many links that may be of use including full text of the Guide and Animal Welfare Act.
  • Americans for Medical Progress. "The mission of Americans for Medical Progress is to ensure that the public supports the vital role of animals in medical research, and that scientists are able to continue their quest for cures and improved methods of treatment for illness, injury and disease."
  • The University of California at Santa Barbara IACUC web site offers information on zoonotic diseases. Diseases are cross-referenced by agent and reservoir host (or otherwise risky host) species.
  • Staying Connected: Internet Resources for the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (Cindy Hoorn, Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare).

Training and testing: the final links

  • The Working with Laboratory Animals Home Page was developed by the Medical Research Service in the Veterans Administration Headquarters Office for Research and Development. Its purpose is to help VA Medical Centers and other institutions meet training mandates for staff who use laboratory animals in biomedical research, testing, or teaching. This site offers a very good overview of IACUC-related regulations as well as an opportunity to test your knowledge. Please take the time to review this information prior to submitting your IACUC protocol. Thanks!
  • Current syllabus for the Department of Wildlife's course on "Wildlife Policy and Animal Welfare."

A Couple of Additional References: