
Botany, B.S. | Class of
Kelly Matsunaga
Assistant Professor and Curator
Employer: University of Kansas
Job description: I do research on the evolution and fossil record of plants, teach courses in paleobotany (fossil plants) and organismal biology, and help manage the paleobotany collections of the University of Kansas Biodiversity Institute.
About Kelly
Why did you choose this program?
I came to HSU planning to pursue a degree in English and Studio Arts. I ended up choosing Botany because of Botany 105 (General Botany) and the incredible instructors who showed me how diverse, weird, and fascinating plants are.
How did this program prepare you for your job?
Humboldt State Biology gave me a solid foundation in biology spanning the tree of life. The coursework was rigorous and, I would argue, unparalleled in its organismal breadth. Importantly, I was also given opportunities to apply what I learned in my courses to scientific research. This prepared me for graduate school and a career as a scientist, which I would never have considered if not for my mentors in the department.
What did you enjoy most about the program?
I most enjoyed how hands-on so many of my courses were. We identified plant and fungal species in the redwood forest or around town, studied actual specimens in the labs, and frequently got to see the critters we studied in the field.
What would you say to prospective students who are thinking about applying to this program?
You won't get a better botany education anywhere else.