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Portrait of Jasmine Nunley

Criminology & Justice Studies, B.A. | Class of

Jasmine Nunley

Learning Skills Specialist and EOP/SSS Fall Bridge Instructor (Biological Sciences)

Employer: Humboldt State University

Job description: As the Learning Skills Specialist, I provide EOP/SSS students with individualized support in regards to academic preparation for course-related materials. Some of my services include providing academic skill development, assisting students to improve their study skills and academic habits, and assisting students in understanding multiple learning strategies. In addition to my primary duties as LSS, I also instruct the EOP/SSS Fall Bridge course, Biology 180/180A. This adjunct course is designed to support students taking the Botany 105 (core course) through academic practice and preparation, while assisting them in developing a sense of identity and/or belonging.

About Jasmine

Why did you choose this program?

I chose this program for a few reasons. The first was that it was a newer major on campus and I was intrigued by this. I am a strong believer in learning being lifelong, so this was right in my interest area. I also wanted to be involved in a major that had an inclusive environment, embedded aspects of social justice, and was in alignment with my Associate’s degree.

How did this program prepare you for your job?

This program allowed me to better understand myself, my environment, society, and how it all intersects. In better understanding myself, I know what my capabilities are and how to effectively apply them in anything that I do. And by better understanding my environment, I am aware that there are macro-level issues that often affect individuals, so perspective-taking is essential when trying to create change. Having gone through this program, I am able to shift lenses when interacting with people and this allows me to holistically approach the work I do. This program also prepared me for public speaking. Being involved in Sociology/Criminology & Justice Studies-related conferences, workshops, and department-led discussions really allowed me to be comfortable in using my voice effectively.

What did you enjoy most about the program?

The human aspect to the content. We weren’t just learning about crime, society, and deviance, but why these things happen AND how marginalized people are often targeted. Being a transfer student, a lot of the gray areas from my Administration of Justice curriculum were filled in with the integrated aspects of sociology in Humboldt State’s Criminology and Justice Studies program. I cannot mention things I enjoyed without recognizing the genuine support I received from my faculty. Specifically naming a few, Chris Martinek, Meredith Williams, Lori Cortez Regan, and Renee Byrd effortlessly served as mentors, instructors, and motivators in my academic and personal life. They not only believed in my intellectual capabilities and encouraged me to take positive risks but supported me throughout EVERYTHING in my undergraduate career.

What would you say to prospective students who are thinking about applying to this program?

I would say never allow fear to stop you from trying. Being involved in the Sociology club and other efforts within the department allowed me to gain leadership skills, try new things, and create a lifelong community. I was provided with an academic support system and toolkit that helped me become more autonomous. I was also graced with an amazing community that will always have a special place in my heart.