
Journalism, B.A. | Class of
Banning Ramirez
PR Lead
Employer: BuzzBright PR
Job description: I manage PR and media relations for five clients within the food/beverage realm.
About Banning
Why did you choose this program?
The journalism program encompassed everything that embodied my personality and professional spirit: creativity, connection, advocacy.
How did this program prepare you for your job?
Dan Pambianco, Vicky Sama, Marcy Burstiner—they were all absolutely amazing supporters and mentors that had so much knowledge on how to navigate the profession. You don't realize how important their lessons were until you left!
What did you enjoy most about the program?
How important PR is tied into journalism. So many people don't understand how the two go hand in hand. It's the working relationship between both a journalist and PR professional that gives us honest, trusted journalism.
What would you say to prospective students who are thinking about applying to this program?
Lean on your network. You don't even realize it while you're working on your studies, but the people sitting next to you may be your most trusted source within the field.