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Portrait of Anicca Cox

English, M.A., Emphasis in Applied English Studies | Class of

Anicca Cox

Assistant Professor

Employer: Methodist University

Job description: I was hired to teach courses in writing—both general education (First-Year Writing) and courses within the English major. We are a teaching-focused institution, but I was also hired to collaboratively redesign the entire writing sequence and create a concentration curriculum within the major with three other new faculty in the college and department. This work will support the alignment of general education to the university mission as well as the viability of the department itself. My job encompasses teaching, service, and scholarship.

About Anicca

How did this program prepare you for your job?

MA in English graduate program at HSU provided me with an introduction to the discipline of writing studies and to graduate-level writing and research. The program provided me with a mentored teaching experience with feedback from instructors across disciplines in the English subfields. Additionally, the graduate program at HSU was my first introduction to writing center studies and peer-to-peer tutoring. All these elements served me well; out of the program I was hired as an assistant Writing Program Administrator in a small state university where my range of experience—from first-year writing to writing center work to TESL—was what got me the job. Later, when I pursued my doctorate, I was prepared with the basics of disciplinary knowledge and practice from which I built my own scholarly trajectory. I continue to rely on the foundational learning I did at HSU in my current professional life.