
Biology, B.S. | Class of
Abigail Petersen
Medical Student
Employer: United States Air Force
Job description: I am completing medical school as a Commissioned Officer in the United States Air Force at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences in the class of 2021. Following my graduation from medical school I will be starting my medical residency training in anesthesia at San Antonio Military Medical Center.
About Abigail
Why did you choose this program?
As a local high school student I considered the option of going to HSU. It wasn’t until I learned about the opportunities for undergraduate research that I fully committed to the idea. I happened upon a local radio interview of Dr. Amy Sprowles discussing her lab and research projects as I drove home from swim practice one evening. I sat out in my car in my wet swimsuit for an hour listening to the rest of the interview because I was so excited by it. It was that day I knew Humboldt State was where I needed to go.
How did this program prepare you for your job?
As a fourth year medical student I often reflect on my years of education and how they led me to where I am now. Medical school was not easy, however, I feel that I entered with such a great foundation that set me up for success because of my years at HSU. I learned the scientific content necessary for the foundation to my medical knowledge. What I consider to be more profound than that was the study skills and tools for success I developed in my years as a student at Humboldt. I directly contribute those skills to the outstanding professors I had the opportunity to learn from. They are truly exceptional in teaching you the content and skills necessary to thrive in your future endeavors.
What did you enjoy most about the program?
I enjoyed the opportunities I was afforded at HSU the most, they have been the most memorable aspect of my time there looking back. I was lucky enough to work in Dr. Amy Sprowles research lab throughout my time at Humboldt and I look back in this time with fond memories. This was one of many resume and career developing activities I was able to be part of during my time.
What would you say to prospective students who are thinking about applying to this program?
Don’t take for granted how beneficial a small school can be. The devoted attention I received at HSU is unique amongst most higher level education. I now call students from many different types of more well known undergraduate institutions (UC system, military academies, Ivy League, etc.) classmates and I believe the education I received at Humboldt was unmatched in terms of focused attention and student development. You can learn material anywhere but not many places do your professors know you by name.