Scanning Electron Microscope

Cal Poly Humboldt houses a Quanta FEI 250 Scanning Electron Microscope that allows visualization of samples at anywhere from 20x to 10,000x magnification under high vacuum. Preparation of a sample for SEM viewing takes several days, culminating with removal of water content from the sample and a final coating of the sample's surface with a standardized layer of conductive material.
Images: Scanning Electron Microscope
Take a stroll through Cal Poly Humboldt's campus with different eyes. Each of these samples was collected in Arcata, CA, and processed by Core Director Liz Faidley for SEM imaging.
flower petal cells

flower petals meeting at the tip of a bloom

a flower blossom

California State Lichen "Ramalina Menziessii"

lichen "Scytinium Plicatile"

lichen "Scytinium" u/k species