Frequently Asked Questions
What semester is a certain course offered?
See the department lists of Five Year Course Rotations.
Which classes should I sign up for?
To assist our students in achieving a successful college experience, a suggested 4-year pathway (Major Academic Plan) has been developed to use as a planning guide. View the Major Academic Plan
Can a Business Administration Degree really be completed in four years?
Yes, we have specifically designed our curriculum so that it can realistically be completed in four years. With a little planning, using our Major Academic Plan, and keeping in touch with your advisor, you should be able to accomplish this.
How do I find out who my advisor is?
Log on to your Student Center.
Look for your Program Advisor (on the right).
How do I make an appointment to see my advisor?
Our advisors schedule their own appointments. You need to contact them (personal contact, phone, or email) and set up an appointment to see them. Some advisors have a sign-up sheet outside their door.
Where is the instructor/advisor contact information posted?
Our instructor/advisor contact information is posted in a variety of places.
You'll find office, phone, and email information on the faculty site of this website and on the Humboldt directory.
Additionally, posted on the display case outside of the School of Business office (Siemens Hall 111), you will find information such as the faculty's teaching schedule and office hours. Faculty office hours are also posted outside of their door.
What is a permission number?
A permission number is a number used by one student that allows the student to register for a specific course. The permission number is used when the instructor chooses to allow a student to register for a class to which the normal registration system has denied access. For example, if a student has met the pre-requisite (or equivalent) courses for a class but the computer system does not recognize the pre-requisite, then the student may want to ask the instructor for a permission number.
How do I get a permission number?
Contact the instructor of record to obtain a permission number; if no instructor is assigned or for other reasons, the department may control the issuance of the permission number. When requesting a permission number, please indicate (1) the error you receive when you attempt to register for the course and (2) if you have met pre-requisite or equivalent courses, indicate what courses you feel qualify and the name of the university or institution where you completed them.
Why am I receiving a prerequisite error message when I try to enroll in a class?
If you have taken the prerequisite or equivalent course at another university, our system often does not recognize the course and you need to use a permission number.
If you have NOT taken the required prerequisites, you will receive this error. You need to take the prerequisite courses prior to enrolling in the course.
What should I do when I've met the prerequisite courses and I still receive a prerequisite error?
Contact the instructor of record, explain your situation, and ask for a permission number. If no instructor is listed, contact the department office at or (707) 826-3224.
How do I (student or business) sign up for internship positions?
Visit our Internship page and complete the appropriate form (student) or contact our Internship Coordinator (business).
How do I find out if an online course or course from another university will count towards my Business degree?
Prior approval is required from your advisor or department chair. You need to provide the course description and the university information in order for us to make an appropriate determination. You may be asked to provide additional information.