
Philosophy, B.A. | Class of
Juan Cervantes
Election Specialist
Employer: County of Humboldt
Job description: The Humboldt County Office of Elections administers Federal, State, and Local Elections for residents of Humboldt County. As an Election Specialist in a small and agile office, I have a variety of roles. I create and administer poll worker training, research and convey election-related codes and regulations, support poll workers on election day with guidance and troubleshooting, and oversee election equipment's programming, security, and maintenance. The job is equal parts understanding systems, regulations, and on-the-fly problem-solving.
About Juan
What would you say to prospective students who are thinking about applying to this program?
A degree in Philosophy is about much more than figuring out whether you exist or whether space-time is like a loaf of bread. A degree in Philosophy will make you a skilled communicator because if you can explain just a tiny part of Hegel succinctly in a 5-page paper, well, you can explain just about anything. It will make you a better problem solver. Logic puzzles are about more than memorizing processes. If you get them down, they’ll help you form better search queries needed when conducting research and craft cleaner Excel formulas. The discourse that you’ll have arguing over trolly strategies will offer insights that will empower you to live life in a way that is true to the person you want to be in the society you want to help create. That seminar in Stoicism will give you the resiliency tools you’ll need to get through that 60-hour workweek slog during crunch time. A lot can be spoken of when engaging in theoretical Philosophy. You’ll be inundated with it in academia, but where I think Philosophy truly shines is in its application.