Environmental Science & Management, B.S. | Class of
Meghan Morris
Archeological Aid
Employer: U.S. Forest Service: Fremont-Winema NF
Job description: Conducting pedestrian surveys on Forest Service land as part of an EIS for timber sale.
Looking for:
Cambium Shaved Trees
Rock Stacks
Obsidian Artifacts
The Forest Service stewards natural landscapes for the purpose of resource preservation.
About Meghan
What would you say to prospective students who are thinking about applying to this program?
Enjoy yourselves and the Arcata Community Forest, you’re in a great position to get some real world experience in the forest.
Make friends with your teachers and advisor(s), they have tons of great advice and are a great way to make some real world connections.
Do well in your academics, but make sure to take some electives that you think are fun, don’t burn yourself out.