Wildlife Ecology Seminar Series ~ April 14

April 11, 2016

For EcoSeries this week (Thursday April 14th @ 4PM, WFB 258) we will be hosting Green Diamond Resource Company's Terrestrial Biologist and HSU Wildlife alumna Desiree Early. She will be presenting "Demographic response of northern spotted owls to barred owl removal in coastal northern California," which will follow nicely after last week's talk on the demographic status of northern spotted owls. 


The week after next we will be co-hosting with our Department of Biology Dr. Chris Lortie from from the Department of Biology at York University in Toronto, Canada. He will be presenting "Functional assessments of shrub-animal interactions in deserts."

PLEASE NOTE: Dr. Lortie's presentation will be on April 29th rather than the 28th listed on the EcoSeries schedule. the time and location are TBD. 


Hope to see everyone there!

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