Canvas LMS Investigation Closed

March 26, 2015

During the Fall 2014 semester, a small group of faculty members used a pilot installation of the Canvas learning management system instead of Moodle to deliver their online course materials. Faculty and students documented their Canvas experience and compared it to their Moodle experience. Additional faculty input was solicited through a Moodle survey, and faculty informational forums were held to present both the Canvas and Moodle experiences. 

While the faculty who worked with Canvas were enthusiastic about the product, a number of issues and concerns were raised by other faculty about the work involved in migrating to a new learning management system, costs, and availability of key functionality. Additionally, several of the more attractive features of Canvas, including Gradebook enhancements, will be included in the next upgrade of Moodle, v2.8, which is scheduled to go live on campus in the fall of this year.

Therefore, after careful consideration and in consultation with the deans and provost, it has been decided to discontinue the investigation into Canvas. The College of eLearning and ITS will continue to look for opportunities to improve academic technology resources and support at HSU.

Announcement Approvals: