Law Enforcement Secures Buildings and Restores Order at Cal Poly Humboldt

April 30, 2024 - 6:57 a.m.
On Tuesday, April 30 at about 0230, law enforcement began a series of actions to restore order on the Cal Poly Humboldt campus.

Law enforcement cleared and secured Siemens Hall and Nelson Hall East, as well as the area near those buildings. About 35 individuals were arrested, without incident. There were no injuries. 

The hard closure of the campus remains in place through May 10, and law enforcement is continuing to monitor the situation. See updates at

Course at a Glance

All You Need is Creativity: The Beatles' Creative Process
April 23

All You Need is Creativity: The Beatles' Creative Process

24075: Canceled

With Dr. Gary Glassman, Historian; Dr. Blake Brown, Lecturer; and Nate Zwerdling, Beatles Aficionado

Get an enjoyable delve into the Beatles individual and group odysseys -- their history, songs, and innovations. This class covers the history of the Beatles from their childhood to their final album, Abbey Road, with lecture, slideshow, music, film clips, lyrics, and class conversation. 

This class has been canceled.

Gary Glassman in front of book shelf

Gary Glassman

Dr. Gary Glassman has taught elementary and secondary language arts and history in Humboldt for the past three decades, and teaches history at the Northcoast Preparatory Academy. He was "Humboldt County Teacher of the Year" in 1996 and "Distinguished Teacher in Residence" in the Secondary Education department at HSU 2000-2001. He earned a master's degree in the humanities from CSU Dominguez Hills and his doctorate in education from the University of Laverne. His doctoral dissertation was "All You Need is Creativity: The Beatles Creative Process." Dr. Glassman is a musician and songwriter, and acknowledges that seeing the Beatles on the Ed Sullivan Show as a wee lad began a lifelong love affair with the band.


Blake Brown

Blake Brown

Blake Brown, born and raised in Eureka, is a chemistry lecturer at Cal Poly Humboldt. Blake has been teaching science since 1985, in high schools, community colleges, and universities. He is also a working local musician, playing in several local jazz and rock groups. Blake’s first childhood musical memory was listening to his sister’s new Beatles album.


Nate Zwerdling

Nate Zwerdling is a Beatles aficionado, a McCartney-inspired bassist, and an amateur musicologist.