Philosophy, B.A.
The Philosophy major offers a broad education in the liberal arts, an excellent background for advanced professional training, and an opportunity for students to develop communication and problem solving skills that are valued by employers in a wide variety of fields. The goal is to become acquainted with, evaluate and respond critically and imaginatively to the important elements of the human experience, and to do so in a scholarly manner with an eye toward appropriating the best for oneself and one’s culture.
Why This Program
Improve your skills in logic-based critical thinking, written communication, problem solving, oral communication, analytical thinking, and textual interpretation and analysis.
Study the history of ideas - East and West: issues in ethics, environmentalism, feminism, epistemology, philosophy of science, happiness and flourishing. Examine individual thinkers and movements in depth.
The goal is to examine ourselves, diverse cultures, and different world views with the aim of analyzing and contributing toward a reformation of self and environment.

Did You Know?
According to a 2018 World Economic Forum post, philosophy majors have higher average salary potential than many other majors, with the biggest increase of any major in earning power during the first 10 years after graduation.
Figures from the Higher Education Statistics Agency show philosophy graduates are in growing demand from employers.
Our campus is nestled in a spectacular setting of redwood forests, rushing rivers, ocean beaches, and mountain ranges. The physical beauty of the natural surroundings offers an environment exceptionally well suited to exploration and adventure as well as peaceful contemplation and growth.

Philosophy provides a foundation for the development of logical, critical and creative reasoning, analytical reading and writing, and creative problem-solving skills. Since those skills are highly valued by employers and graduate and professional programs alike, meaningful career opportunities for Philosophy graduates exist in a variety of fields.
- Business
- Education
- Government
- Journalism
- Law
- Medicine
- Politics
- Non-Profit Organization
- Teaching
- Theology