Advice of Separation: Lecturer, FERP, TA & GA

Form Number: 
APS Form 510

Separation form for Part-time and Full-time Lecturers, FERP participants, Teaching Associates and Graduate Assistants. Completed each semester in accordance with the deadlines set by Academic Personnel Services. This document allows Payroll to inactivate temporary academic employees whose appointments have ended.

Separation data for completion of this form is available through OBI at: Dashboards > 3.2 - APS > 3.2.2 Separation Reports for Academic Employees.

Routing Instructions: 

For academic departments: Department completes form and forwards to College. For academic Colleges and Library/other units: College/Unit forwards to Payroll by the appropriate deadline. College/Unit sends copies to APS, Dept/Unit, and maintains a copy within the Coll/Unit.